Uber, Lyft, Taxis, Limos, and others in Furbachsweideni, Bern
Availability of Uber, Lyft, Didi, Ola, and other rideshares in Furbachsweideni
Furbachsweideni, Bern, Switzerland
Are Uber and Lyft available in Furbachsweideni? Do Didi and Ola pickup at airports? How much do rideshare drivers earn in Furbachsweideni?
This page lists all available rideshare services that RideGuru tracks for Furbachsweideni, Bern. Scroll down for nearby airports and transportation hubs where rideshares may be available.
- Talixo
Service Level Standard Capacity 1 person When you book a Talixo car, you will have the option of choosing an economy, business, or luxury class vehicle for a variety of price points. Talixo's cars come in various sizes with their largest size accommodating up to 7 passengers.
- Taxi
Service Level Standard Capacity 4 people The traditional taxi cab. Taxis may be hailed on the street or called directly for pickup.
RideGuru's taxi estimates are calculated using TaxiFareFinder, which uses real, up-to-date taxi rates from thousands of locales worldwide.
How much do Uber and Lyft drivers make in Furbachsweideni?
Uber and other rideshare drivers set their own hours and can work as much or as little as they want, local laws permitting. Hence, drivers' take-home pay depends on how much they drive. Drivers keep the majority of each fare, and the rest goes to the rideshare company. Most rideshare companies collect a commission as well as a booking fee.
In the United States, Uber drivers make $16.02 per hour before expenses on average, according to a survey of 995 drivers. As a rule-of-thumb, many drivers assume $1.00 per mile as their net take-home after expenses.
For more information, please visit RideGuru’s Driver Earnings, Payout & Take-Home page.
Airports Near Furbachsweideni
Saanen Airport
Sion Airport (SIR)
Raron Airport
Ecuvillens Airport
St Stephan Airport
Reichenbach Air Base
Reichenbach im Kandertal
Thun Airport
Recent fares
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