Uber, Lyft, Taxis, Limos, and others in Nesti, Akershus
Availability of Uber, Lyft, Didi, Ola, and other rideshares in Nesti
Nesti, Akershus, Norway
Are Uber and Lyft available in Nesti? Do Didi and Ola pickup at airports? How much do rideshare drivers earn in Nesti?
This page lists all available rideshare services that RideGuru tracks for Nesti, Akershus. Scroll down for nearby airports and transportation hubs where rideshares may be available.
- Uber Black
Service Level Luxury Capacity 4 people Uber's original luxury service. When you select an Uber Black car, a high-end sedan with seating for up to 4 people will arrive to pick you up. While you will ride in style, the price for an Uber Black car is significantly higher than an Uber X.
- Uber Green
Service Level Standard Capacity 4 people Uber's all-electric option. 100% green and CO2-free so you can get where you're going in the cleanest way possible.
- Uber Lux
Service Level Luxury Capacity 4 people Only available in a few cities worldwide. It is Uber’s ultimate luxury car service and they only accept the top models from a few luxury brands.
- Uber Van
Service Level Standard Capacity 6 people A request for an Uber Van will send you a mid-range SUV with room for up to 6 people.
- Uber X
Service Level Standard Capacity 4 people Uber's budget option in the United States. When you select an Uber X car, an everyday car with seating for up to 4 people will arrive to pick you up.
How much do Uber and Lyft drivers make in Nesti?
Uber and other rideshare drivers set their own hours and can work as much or as little as they want, local laws permitting. Hence, drivers' take-home pay depends on how much they drive. Drivers keep the majority of each fare, and the rest goes to the rideshare company. Most rideshare companies collect a commission as well as a booking fee.
In the United States, Uber drivers make $16.02 per hour before expenses on average, according to a survey of 995 drivers. As a rule-of-thumb, many drivers assume $1.00 per mile as their net take-home after expenses.
For more information, please visit RideGuru’s Driver Earnings, Payout & Take-Home page.
Airports Near Nesti
Oslo Gardermoen Airport (OSL)
Gardermoen Airport (GEN)
Kjeller Airport
Oslo, Fornebu Airport (FBU)
Recent fares
- Ankerveien 117, 0766 Oslo, Norway to Akersgata, 0158 Oslo, Norway
- Bertram Auto Kvikk AS to Scandic Helsfyr
- Clarion Hotel Oslo Airport, Ullensaker to Oslo Airport - OSL (Administration)
- Edvard Munchs veg, 2061 Gardermoen to Hans Nordahls Gate 26, Oslo, Norway
- Elvetanglinna 29, 2750 Gran, Norway to Lørenskog, Akershus, Norway
- Hans Gaarders veg 17, 2060 Gardermoen to Oslo lufthavn (OSL)
- Hans Gaarders Veg 81, 2060 Gardermoen, Norway to Rolf E. Stenersens Allé, 0858 Oslo, Norway
- Haugerkroken 4 to Solvikveien 34B
- Johan Castbergs vei 32, Oslo to Stovner Senter, Oslo, Norway
- Klevbakken 18, Ådalsbruk, Norway to Hamar politistasjon
- Kongens gate 7, 0153 Oslo to Torp Sandefjord lufthavn
- Mogreina, Akershus, Norway to Skedsmokorset, Akershus, Norway
- Økernveien 247 to Oslo lufthavn (Gardermoen) (OSL)
- Oslo lufthavn (OSL) to Hans Nordahls Gate 26, Oslo, Norway
- Oslo lufthavn (OSL) to Johan Castbergs vei 32, Oslo, Norway
- Oslo lufthavn (OSL) to Norsk Rikskringkasting (NRK)
- Oslo lufthavn (OSL) to Scandic Park Sandefjord
- Oslo, Norway to Jevnaker, Akershus, Norway
- Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Oslo to Oslo lufthavn (Gardermoen) (OSL)
- Raschs vei 36, 1178 Oslo to Cecilie Thoresens vei 21, 1153 Oslo
- Rudbakken 2, 1480 Slattum to Carl Berners plass (Oslo)
- Ryghs vei 32, Oslo to Toftes Gate 68A
- Ryghs vei 32, Oslo, Norway to Toftes Gate 68A
- Snøfonna 1 to Comfort Hotel Xpress Youngstorget
- SNÖ Ventures to Comfort Hotel Xpress Youngstorget
- Spektrumveien 3, 0666 Oslo, Norway to Oksenøyveien 3, 1366 Lysaker, Norway
- Spydebergveien 4, 1823 Knapstad to Stegenveien 928, Spydeberg, Norway
- Suhms gate 30 to Nationaltheatret
- Suhms gate 30 to Oslo lufthavn (OSL)
- Wergelandsveien 5, 0167 Oslo to Akershusstranda 15, 0150 Oslo, Norway