Uber, Lyft, Taxis, Limos, and others in Nowra, New South Wales
Availability of Uber, Lyft, Didi, Ola, and other rideshares in Nowra
Nowra, New South Wales, Australia
Are Uber and Lyft available in Nowra? Do Didi and Ola pickup at airports? How much do rideshare drivers earn in Nowra?
This page lists all available rideshare services that RideGuru tracks for Nowra, New South Wales. Scroll down for nearby airports and transportation hubs where rideshares may be available.
- Ola Prime Sedan
Service Level Standard Capacity 4 people Ola's luxury service. When you request an Ola Prime, a luxury sedan will pick you up and take you wherever you want to go.
- Taxi
Service Level Standard Capacity 4 people The traditional taxi cab. Taxis may be hailed on the street or called directly for pickup.
RideGuru's taxi estimates are calculated using TaxiFareFinder, which uses real, up-to-date taxi rates from thousands of locales worldwide.
- Uber X
Service Level Standard Capacity 4 people Uber's budget option in the United States. When you select an Uber X car, an everyday car with seating for up to 4 people will arrive to pick you up.
- Uber XL
Service Level Standard Capacity 6 people Uber's budget option for larger groups. When you order an Uber XL, a car with seating for up to 6 people will arrive to pick you up.
How much do Uber and Lyft drivers make in Nowra?
Uber and other rideshare drivers set their own hours and can work as much or as little as they want, local laws permitting. Hence, drivers' take-home pay depends on how much they drive. Drivers keep the majority of each fare, and the rest goes to the rideshare company. Most rideshare companies collect a commission as well as a booking fee.
In the United States, Uber drivers make $16.02 per hour before expenses on average, according to a survey of 995 drivers. As a rule-of-thumb, many drivers assume $1.00 per mile as their net take-home after expenses.
For more information, please visit RideGuru’s Driver Earnings, Payout & Take-Home page.
Airports Near Nowra
Wollongong Airport (WOL)
Nowra Airport (NOA)
Towns and Cities in Nowra Area
- Wattamolla, New South Wales
- Kiama, New South Wales
- Ulladulla, New South Wales
- Nerriga, New South Wales
- Lake Conjola, New South Wales
- Burrill Lake, New South Wales
- Bolong, New South Wales
- Sassafras, New South Wales
- Exeter, New South Wales
- Sutton Forest, New South Wales
- Marulan, New South Wales
- Currarong, New South Wales
- Brownsville, New South Wales
- Burradoo, New South Wales
- Windang, New South Wales
- Gerringong, New South Wales
- Berrara, New South Wales
- Tomerong, New South Wales
- Shoalhaven Heads, New South Wales
- Calwalla, New South Wales
- Marulan South, New South Wales
- Yellow Rock, New South Wales
- Terara, New South Wales
- Bendalong, New South Wales
- Yerrinbool, New South Wales
- Shellharbour, New South Wales
- Old Erowal Bay, New South Wales
- Orient Point, New South Wales
- Dapto, New South Wales
- Barrengarry, New South Wales
- Colo Vale, New South Wales
- Cambewarra, New South Wales
- Penrose, New South Wales
- Numba, New South Wales
- Woodhill, New South Wales
- Myramount, New South Wales
- Fitzroy, New South Wales
- Kangaloon, New South Wales
- Jaspers Brush, New South Wales
- Minnamurra, New South Wales
- Hyams Beach, New South Wales
- Murrimba, New South Wales
- Balgownie, New South Wales
- Willow Vale, New South Wales
- Saint Georges Basin, New South Wales
- Kangaroo Valley, New South Wales
- Woolamia, New South Wales
- Sanctuary Point, New South Wales
- Corrimal, New South Wales
- Cringila, New South Wales
- Mandemar, New South Wales
- Jerrawangala, New South Wales
- Erowal Bay, New South Wales
- Braemar, New South Wales
- Meroo, New South Wales
- Robertson, New South Wales
- Yanderra, New South Wales
- Glenquarry, New South Wales
- Coolangatta, New South Wales
- Brundee, New South Wales
- Farmeadow, New South Wales
- Coniston, New South Wales
- Beaumont, New South Wales
- Berkeley, New South Wales
- Mount Marshall, New South Wales
- Willow Vale, New South Wales
- Lower Numba, New South Wales
- Moss Vale, New South Wales
- Medway, New South Wales
- Berrima, New South Wales
- Kembla, New South Wales
- Broughton Village, New South Wales
- Broughton Vale, New South Wales
- Bomaderry, New South Wales
- Berry, New South Wales
- Rose Valley, New South Wales
- Callala Bay, New South Wales
- Attaahua Farm, New South Wales
- Sussex Inlet, New South Wales
- Tapitallee, New South Wales
- Bamarong, New South Wales
- Kiama Downs, New South Wales
- Keiraville, New South Wales
- Falls Creek, New South Wales
- Lake Illawarra, New South Wales
- Wandandian, New South Wales
- Burrier, New South Wales
- Worragee, New South Wales
- Albion Park, New South Wales
- Avon Dam, New South Wales
- Fitzroy Falls, New South Wales
- Culburra, New South Wales
- Wingello, New South Wales
- East Kangaloon, New South Wales
- Huskisson, New South Wales
- Greenwell Point, New South Wales
- Alpine, New South Wales
- Joadja Creek, New South Wales
- Port Kembla, New South Wales
- Wogamia, New South Wales
- West Cambewarra, New South Wales
- Aylmerton, New South Wales
- Burrawang, New South Wales
- Tianjara, New South Wales
- Jervis Bay, Australian Capital Territory
- Gerroa, New South Wales
- Yalwal, New South Wales
- Bundannon, New South Wales
- Bundanoon, New South Wales
- Wildes Meadow, New South Wales
- Canyan Leigh, New South Wales
- Reidtown, New South Wales
- High Range, New South Wales
- Jerry Bailey, New South Wales
- Unanderra, New South Wales
- Basin View, New South Wales
- Bellawongarah, New South Wales
- Jindy Andy, New South Wales
- Callala Beach, New South Wales
- Cudmirrah, New South Wales
- Vincentia, New South Wales
- Mittagong, New South Wales
- Foxground, New South Wales
- Dunmore, New South Wales
- Upper Kangaroo River, New South Wales
- Tullimbar, New South Wales
- Tallong, New South Wales
- Bowral, New South Wales
- Tongarra, New South Wales
- Jamberoo, New South Wales
- Hill Top, New South Wales
- Conjola, New South Wales
- Wiluna, New South Wales
- Lake Conjola West, New South Wales
- Yatteyatah, New South Wales
- Touga, New South Wales
- Cunjurong, New South Wales
- Pyree, New South Wales
- Bungonia, New South Wales
- Corang, New South Wales
- Fishermans Paradise, New South Wales
- Milton, New South Wales
- Mollymook, New South Wales
- Kings Point, New South Wales
- Morton, New South Wales
- Inverary Park, New South Wales
- Manyana, New South Wales
Recent fares
- View St, Wollongong to Coles Fairy Meadow
- Shellharbour Road, Port Kembla New South Wales 2505, Australia to -109 Montague Street, North Wollongong New South Wales 2500, Australia
- Lucas Drive, Horsley New South Wales 2530, Australia to Albert Street, Corrimal New South Wales 2518, Australia
- Lucas Drive, Horsley New South Wales 2530, Australia to First Avenue, Unanderra New South Wales 2526, Australia
- Murra Murra Road, Kanahooka New South Wales 2530, Australia to Circular Quay West, The Rocks New South Wales 2000, Australia
- a Remembrance Driveway, Bargo New South Wales 2574, Australia to Great Southern Road, Bargo New South Wales 2574, Australia
- Adams Parade, Woonona New South Wales 2517, Australia to Keira Street, Wollongong New South Wales 2500, Australia
- Tait Avenue, Kanahooka New South Wales 2530, Australia to Station Street, Dapto New South Wales 2530, Australia
- Mcgregor Avenue, Barrack Heights New South Wales 2528, Australia to William Street, Urana New South Wales 2645, Australia
- b Page Avenue, North Nowra New South Wales 2541, Australia to Chifley Drive, Dubbo New South Wales 2830, Australia
- Moona Creek Road, Vincentia New South Wales 2540, Australia to Nowra, New South Wales, Australia
- View St, Wollongong NSW 2500 to Coles Fairy Meadow
- Balmoral, New South Wales, Australia to Bondi Road, Bondi New South Wales 2026, Australia
- Berry, New South Wales, Australia to Rockdale Street, Rockdale New South Wales 2216, Australia
- Cheshire Street, Berkeley New South Wales 2506, Australia to Fern Street, Gerringong New South Wales 2534, Australia
- Crown Street, Wollongong New South Wales 2500, Australia to Cliff Road, Wollongong New South Wales 2500, Australia
- Culburra Beach, New South Wales, Australia to North Nowra, New South Wales, Australia
- Kiama, New South Wales, Australia to Gerroa, New South Wales, Australia
- Mornington Court, Shell Cove New South Wales 2529, Australia to Addison Street, Shellharbour New South Wales 2529, Australia
- Railway Parade, Kiama New South Wales 2533, Australia to Nowra, New South Wales, Australia
- Railway Parade, Wollongong New South Wales 2500, Australia to Shearwater Drive, Lake Heights New South Wales 2502, Australia
- Railway Street, Corrimal New South Wales 2518, Australia to Birch Crescent, East Corrimal New South Wales 2518, Australia
- Station Street, Mittagong New South Wales 2575, Australia to Old South Road, Mittagong New South Wales 2575, Australia
- Station Street, Picton New South Wales 2571, Australia to Shelleys Lane, Thirlmere New South Wales 2572, Australia