Arthur McBeth (amcbeth)
Ride Apprentice from West Deptford
344 Rider DriverDriving for Uber since 2016. Over 3800 rides.
Posts by amcbeth
Has any driver noticed that there is less rating by riders.
I hate to confess this but my rating has slipped from a 4.91 to a 4.89. With the new app … -
Weeping Passenger
I was taking a women (20 - 24) to an interview. Since it was late in the afternoon. I asked …
Featured Answers by amcbeth
It really depends on the car and how many passengers you have. You only have two so if not all of the luggage fits in the trunk, you could put the smaller bags on a seat.
I drive a Prius V that has ample room behind the rear seats. I once took four riders to the airport and they had five pieces of luggage that we placed ibehind the rear seats.
The best idea is to call the driver as soon as you get your ride. Explain your situation and see if the driver can fit the luggage. If that driver can't, then cancel and get another ride. There are plenty of drivers that would like a drive to the port.
Cancel within five minutes and you won't be charged.
I am a pipe smoker. I have been for 60 years.
One day I decided to never smoke in the car.
The car I have has never been smoked in. Non-smokers can smell better than smokers.
Read these posts, on what people do to negate the smell. Is it worth all the trouble?
Try not smoking while working. It can't hurt to try.
There is a lot of bad information in these comments. I decided I would look at all of my trips since
June 4, 2018. I should say I work the Philadelphia area.
1. I am getting less pool trips than I once did. Why?
2. I did make 15 pool trips since June 4th. The results will shock you.
3. I was in the same camp as the rest of you, until I did my research.
4. I totaled up what I was paid, what the riders paid, and what Uber received.
5. I was paid $177.97.
6. The riders paid $190.55
7. Uber was paid $6.26.
On five of the pool trips, Uber made a negative amount. (They subsidize). What the hell is Uber doing?
I was paid 93% of what the riders paid. I wish that were true of my UberX rides.
I would be interested in what others find in areas other than Philadelphia. Please do not speculate, get actual figures from the Uber partner website, and add them up in a spreadsheet.
I spent an hour and a half putting this together. I hope you like it.
You must have four doors on the vehicle and seat, four passengers, comfortably.
You must be 21 years of age or older (23 in some cities). The intended driver is required to be on the insurance for the vehicle used.
The driver must have at least three years of driving experience.
The vehicle must be fit to pass an Uber inspection.