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Has any driver noticed that there is less rating by riders.

{{ ratingSum }}
344 Rider Driver
 Posted 6 years, 4 months ago

I hate to confess this but my rating has slipped from a 4.91 to a 4.89. With the new app you only see the last 500 ratings.

For the past month (since the new app), I noticed that out of 130 rides I only see 1 "5" star rating.

I used to have 8 to 10 a day depending on the number of rides.

So have I really become a bad driver since the new app was installed?

1. Has any of you seen a drop in ratings? Is it time for me to hang it up?

2. Do no passengers rate except dissatified ones?


    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    Your probably the same driver you've always been. Dont let it get you down. I got so mad at a report I received one night while driving I quit for the night. Rider said car was dirty and it smelled  i can assure you my car isnt dirty and there is no way it smells. I screenshoted pics of car,  bottles of air freshner, cleaning products I have on hand at all times, my receipt for my car wash & detailing I had done recently, to Uber along with a very nasty message (surprised I wasnt thrown off platform after they received it) I was so angry.  Dont let the idiots get to you. I know its easier said then done. It sucks to know you keep your car clean,  do everything you possibly can for some of these people and its never enough no matter how hard you try.  Most people who have a positive experience tend to do nothing (leave comments, write a review, etc) its the people who are negative that tend to leave the comments, reviews, stars etc..  You are no where …


    Your probably the same driver you've always been. Dont let it get you down. I got so mad at a report I received one night while driving I quit for the night. Rider said car was dirty and it smelled  i can assure you my car isnt dirty and there is no way it smells. I screenshoted pics of car,  bottles of air freshner, cleaning products I have on hand at all times, my receipt for my car wash & detailing I had done recently, to Uber along with a very nasty message (surprised I wasnt thrown off platform after they received it) I was so angry.  Dont let the idiots get to you. I know its easier said then done. It sucks to know you keep your car clean,  do everything you possibly can for some of these people and its never enough no matter how hard you try.  Most people who have a positive experience tend to do nothing (leave comments, write a review, etc) its the people who are negative that tend to leave the comments, reviews, stars etc..  You are no where near being deactivated. Mine was a 4.97 for long time then dropped to a  4.96 went back up then down until it stuck to a 4.93 even though I was receiving all 5 stars it seemed to keep dropping it made no sense. It eventually came back to a 4.94/95 havent been able to get it above that. There will always be people you cant please no matter how hard you try no matter what you do. Its hard not to take offense but just remember who you are dealing with 'the public" some are just mean angry people. You know who you are, what you do, and you do the best you can. As long as you are happy and you gave it your all screw the haters. One question. Have you been doing a lot if pools or more than usual? Some drivers feel that pool riders are bringing their ratings down and I am starting to think they may be right. Cant tell you how many pool riders get mad when I have to pick up other people. Dont even get me started on express pool. Lol just curious what city do you drive in? Do not hang it up over aholes. Stay safe keep driving🙂

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    1602 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    One of the VERY unfortunate consequences of Uber making it "easy" for passengers to not rate their driver is that the only people that DO want to rate will be those that aren't happy, or worst yet, those that are looking for a free ride and level false charges against the driver.

    IMO, the obvious solution would be that all rides that don't get rated should default to a rating of 5 stars, thus allowing us to keep a reasonably legit average.

    But of course, what are the chances????

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      1072 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      I absolutely agree. 

      On Lyft, unless we choose to change it, the default rating left for passengers is 5 stars.   Why aren't we afforded the same courtesy? 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    58 Rider
     6 years ago

    Ill admit, most times I do not rate my driver after the trip. Uber used to make me rate before I would order a car for my next ride but they no longer do.

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    810 Driver
     6 years ago


    I am seeing lower number of ratings on Uber report where it breaks down how mant 5's; 4's etc. seems like my number has not changed in weeks so maybe there is a glitch on Uber's end.

    Cut down on pools - and see what happens:) ratings will go up

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