Drivers who smoke. What special things do you do to make sure you don't get dinged on your ratings?
Posted 6 years, 5 months ago
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I was a closet smoker for 45 years! And nobody ever smelled smoke in my car. It's not difficult folks, but it seems most smokers think becuase they can't smell it, the odor is gone. NOT TRUE.
However ridding your car of the smell from a recent smoke is not difficult if you consistently and ALWAYS follow a few rules.
1. NEVER smoke without your window cracked - not even a puff. Always have FRESH air coming into your car, so make sure your AC system isn't set to recirculate or it will KEEP the smoke in your car.
2. NEVER smoke in your car when you're parked or the smoke will collect on the fabric and plastics in the car. ONLY smoke when there's plenty of ventilation.
3. ALWAYS roll down both the driver and passenger window AFTER you've finished smoking and leave them down for at least a minute (while you're driving) and this really WILL eliminate the odor completely. This is the single most important step. Rolli…
I was a closet smoker for 45 years! And nobody ever smelled smoke in my car. It's not difficult folks, but it seems most smokers think becuase they can't smell it, the odor is gone. NOT TRUE.
However ridding your car of the smell from a recent smoke is not difficult if you consistently and ALWAYS follow a few rules.
1. NEVER smoke without your window cracked - not even a puff. Always have FRESH air coming into your car, so make sure your AC system isn't set to recirculate or it will KEEP the smoke in your car.
2. NEVER smoke in your car when you're parked or the smoke will collect on the fabric and plastics in the car. ONLY smoke when there's plenty of ventilation.
3. ALWAYS roll down both the driver and passenger window AFTER you've finished smoking and leave them down for at least a minute (while you're driving) and this really WILL eliminate the odor completely. This is the single most important step. Rolling down the drivers window isn't enough!!! You have to have LOTS of air coming into the car and venting out. You don't want to have the windows down while you're smoking or ashes will be all over the car, but ALWAYS after you smoke!!!
4. Rainy days are the worst - it's really hard to eliminate tabacco smoke on a damp day - leave the windows open even longer if it isn't pouring!!! (or don't smoke when it's raining which was always my rule of thumb)
5. Lastly, consider vaping. Many vapes are virtually odor free, IMO much healthier and I've used those for many years. Perfect on a rainy day as you can barely crack your window and there is zero residual odor. Not a mega vaper, just the Juul or disposables are virtually odor free.
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Closet smoker? Where would you find a closte while you are on a shift?
ok bad joke.
I actually have the answer for you smokers out there. I can smoke in my car right before I pick up a rider and they don't know it. I've tested it. I've checked with my riders that smoke. I've tested it with people that don't smoke. My rating is a 4.93 currently. Never received a complaint from passenger or Uber. The spray I use is called Blunt Effects. I buy it in smoke shops or gas stations 2.50 to 3.50 a bottle. There has to be over 50 scents or more. Some are stronger than others some last longer than others. So with that being said be careful one or two sprays at most. If you are headed to a 5 min pickup and you spray it open windows 3 min after you spray it right before your pick up rider. It is greasy and can ruin things. Do not spray directly on anything you don't want ruined. I bought decent looking cheap car mats that's what I spray it on. I get compliments from over half my riders per night how great my car smells. It's great in bathrooms also.
You've inspired me to try it. I just ordered some from Amazon to give it a try!
Please let me know what you think after using it. What scent did you pick?
I was all excited, then realized that it's $45. Not sure, guys.
You are talking about the spray, right Not the incense?
I just looked on Amazon that's because it's a case of them for a store to buy and sell. There was 4 bottles for 10.00. I would try a local gas station that has a store inside, a tobacco store, or cigarette outlet. You can buy 1 bottle for under 4.00. If you buy from these places you can pick the scent you like. If you order from Amazon you don't know what it smells like. this is the website for the company who makes them they also sell them 4.00 per bottle.
There is also something called Blunt power that is not the spray I am talking about, not same company, and I don't know anything about that product.
I never buy anywhere else than Amazon, but I may make an exception. ;)
Great info , thanks.
Are there any taxi drivers who don't smoke? I drove taxis for 30 years and every driver I ran into smoked. That's how we just passed the time.
Waiting for our fare at LaGuardia? You can go through a pack a day, easy.
We all knew the customers made fun of cabbies for smelling, but we didn't care. It was the way of life.
I suppose the things are different with Uber and Lyft... People seem so much more needy and unbending.
I am a pipe smoker. I have been for 60 years.
One day I decided to never smoke in the car.
The car I have has never been smoked in. Non-smokers can smell better than smokers.
Read these posts, on what people do to negate the smell. Is it worth all the trouble?
Try not smoking while working. It can't hurt to try.
Sound advice. I do the same, but I feel like it still stinks up the car.
I often drive in rural areas, and airport queues made me start smoking. It's just a nice way to calm down during a crazy day.
14 hour shifts. It's hard to *stop* for that long, mate.
I don't smoke in the car either, but users pick up on it. It's in my clothes and pasted on my skin.
gross habit, I know.
What a sharp question. This is actually a tough one for smokers.
We obviously don't smoke in our cars when we are on a shift. That's just plain suicide. So we smoke on breaks, outside of the car, etc.
The problem? I would be smoking in a park or pulled off to the side of the road, and then I get a ping. I have to respond, and there's always the residual smell that sticks. I actually do not have a good response to this one, as I've actually gotten negative feedback on Lyft's "Ways to Improve"
Read comments above for more info. There is a spray called Blunt Effects. I smoke in my car. This spray will take the any and all bad smell out. Never had a complaint no one ever complained out if 1200 plus rides. Over half my riders per night gets in and says how great my car smells. It's not expensive just have to be careful what you spray it on as it is greasy. Another thing that helps is changing your cabin filter most cars have them inside car. YouTube your car video shows you where it is and how to change it.
Ask the pax if he wants a smoke as well :)
LOL I cannot imagine that turns out well for you 99% of the time.
Lots of lysol spray, windows down, and only smoke when I do not have passengers. Those little smelly car tree things don't help at all, fyi.
I had a 45 min ride from DFW airport to Ft. Worth last week and the vehicle reeked of smoke. It was disgusting and almost made me sick. While the ride was o.k. I only rated it 4* because of the smell and I indicated that in the rating.
I use ozium and have not had any complaints. In fact, my riders will get in my car and rave about how good it smells! It covers up ALL smells too. I also roll both windows down for a few minutes right after I smoke but before spraying Ozium. And it doesn’t take much. One spray per seat is what I do! And again, my riders LOVE it. I also use a lemon body spray for my clothes and hair and hand sanitizer for my hands. It also doesn’t hurt to wear something over your clothes while smoking either. If I stop to smoke, I will wear a cardigan or something and put it in a bag in the trunk when I am done. It does no good to cover the smell in your car if they can smell it all over you.... and Mr. Hefner didn’t wear a smoking jacket for nothing.....
I always dispose of my cigarette butts and ashes outside of the vehicle and I carry a tin with a tight lid. (or sometimes Snapple Bottles. Never ever smoke inside the car.
Definitely open the windows after getting back on, and let it air out.
Honestly though? I still get dinged sometimes. Some people are very sensitive to ciagrette smokes. and by "senstiive" I mean they notice.
I shut off A/C vents and open windows, then I spray the vents and turn on air. I will try that with the mentioned spray Blunt Effects.
Be careful spraying that in or on your vents. Very greasy and can remove paint. I love the spray and trust me it works to get rid of any smell you can think of but it can ruin carpet, material, paint. It can also remove barcode off your drivers license lol, it did it to mine. Dawn dish detergent can get it out if clothes. That's why I bought cheap mats (not rubber too slippery) I spray on them. When I wash car I rinse mats out.
Well I have rubber mats so where do you suggest that I can spray it ?
Good question. I spray into my vents I just quickly wipe off excess but I don't spray them often at all. I'll have to think about this one lol. I always use mats but mine are carpet. I only paid 8.00 for 4 mats at Walmart depends on how bad you need to use the spray (I don't mean that in a sarcastic or mean way). I can tell you spray works get many compliments how good my car smells and no one ever smells cigarettes. The con to the spray is it's very greasy and can potentially stain. Maybe spray a wash cloth that you can conseal under driver and front passenger seat or go with cheap mats. If I come up with anything else I will share
Washcloth under the seats.
You must save a bundle on those store-bought air fresheners. You are full of good suggestions.
Try Ozium. It’s not greesy at all and smells delightful! I too smoke in my car and have not jad any complaints since using it. You can get it at Walmart or local grocery store for about 2.49 a bottle
I used that for awhile. It does work. Just found blunt Effects works somewhat better. As it also takes smell off my clothes as well. I don't spray on my clothes it just clings to you from spraying in car. Ozium isn't greasy either so in that respect it is better than blunt Effects. I don't think Ozium last as long. I like the many scents blunt Effects has. Definitely one or other are both great sprays and they do work.