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How is it on pool Uber makes more than Driver? Just had a trip 2 pools my t ...

{{ ratingSum }}
8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 11 months ago

How is it on pool Uber makes more than Driver? Just had a trip 2 pools my take was 14.16 Uber got 17.57. Never had this happen before.


    {{ ratingSum }}
    344 Rider Driver
     5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

    There is a lot of bad information in these comments. I decided I would look at all of my trips since

    June 4, 2018. I should say I work the Philadelphia area.

    1. I am getting less pool trips than I once did. Why?

    2. I did make 15 pool trips since June 4th. The results will shock you.

    3. I was in the same camp as the rest of you, until I did my research.

    4. I totaled up what I was paid, what the riders paid, and what Uber received.

    5. I was paid $177.97.

    6. The riders paid $190.55

    7. Uber was paid $6.26.

    On five of the pool trips, Uber made a negative amount. (They subsidize). What the hell is Uber doing?

    I was paid 93% of what the riders paid. I wish that were true of my UberX rides.

    I would be interested in what others find in areas other than Philadelphia. Please do not speculate, get actual figures from the Uber partner website, and add them up in a spreadsheet.

    I spent an hour and a half putting this together. I hope you like it.

    Show Hide  8 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      I also work in Philadelphia. I get mostly Uber X trips but on weeknights I get more pool trips. At one point I started getting a lot of pool, I then stopped accepting most of them. I went back to getting more X. I went to my other pool trips they seem to be normal. Until tonight, I took 2 riders 2 different pick up areas but very close destinations. My fare seemed low and when I checked it out Uber made more. According to Uber support it is because of their "upfront fare" and "service fee" for updating app, technoligy, and promotions to drivers and riders. So now part of our fares went to building the new app that is nothing but more BS from Uber. Send me a video 3X every week that I don't need to tell me about the new great app then charge me a service fee for it. Better yet take a fee from my fare then offer me a unachievable crappy promotion. Thank you for the info. Appreciate it but keep your eye on your pools mine were not too bad until tonight.

        {{ ratingSum }}
         5 years ago

        Right, the upfront fare thing.  People don't complain about that as much anymore, which isn't good.

        Uber can charge whatever they want to the customers now.  So they do.  but the drivers still get the time and distance on the base fare.  How is that fair?

          {{ ratingSum }}
          OP 8198 Rider Driver
           5 years ago

          I took a pool tonight only because it was a surge, they added additional pool rider.  I ended up with 42.00 and Uber got 12.00. So far last night was was the only time they made more than I did. Still not taking pool unless surged. 

      {{ ratingSum }}
      810 Driver
       5 years ago

      I work in Philly, I do not accept pool rides. Why do more work for less pay? Occasionally I will do a Pool when on destination filter and when need to complete certain amount of rides. I am pretty sure each pool passenger is counted as a ride. It would be stupid for Uber to not count each passenger as a separate trip as it will only alienate more drivers from doing pools. Lyft pays same fare for Lyft Shared as regular Lyft so I am more open to do a few Lyft SHared rides when trying to get to to the number of rides needed for a bone.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        344 Rider Driver
         5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

        Every pool passemger is counted as a trip. If rider A goes ten miles he/she pays for it. If rider B goes three miles further he/she pays for 13 miles. I covered this above with actual figures.

          {{ ratingSum }}
          1072 Rider Driver
           5 years ago

          The entire group is counted as ONE trip, from pickup of the first passenger to the dropoff of the last.  The mileage and per minute rates DO NOT STACK, (Uber pockets the balance, which is why they push pool rides so hard)  and the odds of bad ratings and problem passengers rise exponentially.  Working a streak or next trip "surge?"  You only get it for the first dropoff.

          Lyft Shared just adopted the same policy.  

            {{ ratingSum }}
            237 Driver
             5 years ago

            Right.  The easiest way to remember is that you still get paid for the duration and distance you drive.  It has nothing to do with how many riders you are driving around.

              {{ ratingSum }}
              344 Rider Driver
               5 years ago

              It has a LOT to do for the number of riders. If you have four separate pool riders in Philadelphia, then $8 plus their fees are subtracted from the riders payments, BEFORE Uber starts ratioing what the driver gets. This is the reason that Uber makes MORE than a driver  on some pools.

              Also each rider is counted as a trip.

              This is not speculation, you can see all of the above in when you login to Ubers partners app.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1072 Rider Driver
     5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

    Pools are for fools.  DON'T DO IT.

    Not only does pool not pay well, but for quest bonuses and for "surges" they all count as ONE fare, the passengers will destroy your rating if they don't like other riders, and the more pool rides you take the more that Uber will send you.  If you take pools, Uber will send most of them to you and send the X rides to the drivers that refuse to take them.

    If you decline or time out all pool pings, the number you receive will drop to almost none after a few days.  I quit taking pools after it dropped my rating from 4.96 to 4.92 in a month.  Now I can accept all but bad rating passengers and still keep my accept rate at 80% or more.  

    Show Hide  1 Reply
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      That happened a few months ago to me. I was getting all Uber X then started getting a lot of pools so I did stop accepting them. Tonight was slow so I took the pool ride. I just went back over other  pool fares this is the first one Uber has ever taken more money than I earned. I got a 3.00 tip from the one rider so that helped somewhat. I sent Uber a message of course the computer will generate it's standard scripted answer explaining how pool fares work. I will never take another pool again. Thank you for your answer.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    344 Rider Driver
     5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

    This occurs if there are two or more riders in the pool and the rides are SHORT.

    Assuming  the ride was an UberX and it was short. In Philadelphia the driver earns $3.75.

    Now take the exact same ride with three pool riders. Uber charges each one of them a $2 booking fee. These booking fees (plus any other fees) are subtracted from what the riders pay before allocating the pay to the driver.

    The result is the driver may earn something close to $3.75 but Uber gets at little more than $6.

    The good thing is SOMETIMES Uber subsidizes the rides and the driver makes out.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    148 Rider
     5 years ago

    Ooooh, it's happening.  We all suspected this to happen when it was introduced, and last year's 180 days initiative is now bringing this to light.

    With UberPool, Uber makes out like a bandit, because there are multiple rider parties taking and sharing the ride.   Uber collects 2x the amount of fare less a small discount, and the drivers are still paid for duration and distance, i.e. the same plus a bit more because they are driving longer to make up multiple stops.

    Let's say from an airport to the train station, it's $10 for UberX riders and the driver gets paid $5.  Then they came up with UberPool and started offering this same trip for $9.00, a dollar discount for a minor inconvenience.  Now, let's imagine the driver picks up two groups of riders.  They both pay $9 x 2 for a total of $18.  The driver still gets $5 plus a tiny bit for a longer trip to pick up the two passengers, so, let's say $6.

    Gasp!  Uber ade $12 and the driver made $6. Pretty much all of the efficiency created and the profit associated with it went straight to Uber's pocket.

    Show Hide  2 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      This is the first time it happened. I checked my other pools prior to tonight's ride they were all ok. Uber support will not directly answer my question about it. I got 1st answer back same standard scripted crap. 2nd answer was breakdown of  how pool works. Asked why Uber was paid more than driver they haven't answered yet. My acceptance rate is about to drop because I will not touch another pool again. Thanks for answer, appreciate it.

      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      This is why Uber always pushes Pool rides so hard on the rider app. It is so annoying always having to switch back to X.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    OP 8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    I originally posted this because of 2 trips that Uber made more than I did. Never had that happen. I was driving Saturday night and declined a few pool trips. As I was driving driving a passenger a request came up. Since i had a passenger didnt want to take my eyes off the road to see the request and with new app the print is smaller so I ended up accepting a pool. Of course it was a ride into Center City which is about 25 min 15.55 miles. Rider pd. $17.15  I got 18.46 Uber took -1.68 other .37. There was no surge in pick up or drop off and no tip. A fare like this pool is usually 12.00 for pool to this area. Then I took another pool trip 26 min. 10.5 miles plus a cancellation fee for 2nd rider I received 17.58. This would normally be a 8.00 to 10.00 ride for pool. On this trip rider payment 13.53 riders paid 13.43. There was an adjustment on Uber -7.60 Uber received -4.15. WTH? I am totally confused. If I figure out how to upload a screenshot I will post. ANY THOUGHTS? Afraid Uber will take back money at later date once they figure out their screw up because this cant be right. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    344 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    The reason this happens in Philadelphia, is all riders are charged a $2 booking charge plus other fees. Lets say you pick up three riders at three different stops (a pool). Those riders all get out within 15 minutes.

    Uber will add three booking fees ($6) and any other fees they might charge the riders. All fees are added up and subtracted from what the riders paid. Now a 15 minute trip with only one rider doesn't pay much. 

    A 15 minute trip with three riders you have to contend with at least $6 being subtracted from the rider payments. Yes Uber will definitely make more than you.

    If you try and figure the fees that Uber charges, you'll go nuts.

    In another post I took two months of payouts and used a spreadsheet to determine whether I should drive in South Jersey or Philadelphia. It wasn't close. Uber takes at minimum of 49% in South Jersey. 

    In Philadephia, because I take a lot of pool rides, and Uber subsidizes most of them, I find that the percentage of what I get from the rider payments is much greater than in South Jersey.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    I used Uber Pool for the first time this week, and I was shocked that there was no financial benefit for the driver - only for Uber?  The ride was substantially cheaper for me - like half price, and there were 3 x 1 passengers in the car.   So the money coming in was, I guess, roughly 50% greater than if there'd been a single person in the vehicle.   But the driver said he got paid the same in any event?

    I love the idea of pooling - it's the future, so environmentally friendly, reduces congestion, saves fuel, cheaper for the consumers.   But it sucks that there's no incentive for the drivers.  Plus, if it really took off, it's reducing the number of pickups available for the drivers.  Ie before you had 3 rides going to the airport, and now only 1 driver might get that and 2 cars are not getting a fare.    So from the drivers point of view, it seems like all negatives.

    I would hope that if Uber are making 50% more (or whatever) on these rides, they could at least share some of that with the driver, to make up for the downsides?

    Show Hide  1 Reply
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Pool rides are usually a nightmare for drivers. We make less per mile and per min. When there is more than 1 pool rider Uber tends to make more than driver. Many pool riders get mad when we have another pickup. Others get mad because they may be picked up 1st but dropped off last. I had a guy get mad at me because we had a rider added and he was going to be late for an appt. So I am sure your asking why do these people pick pool then? I cant answer that. I often wonder why you would order pool when you need to be somewhere by a certain time.  Anything that goes wrong on a pool ride even though it may not be drivers fault will be drivers fault on a pool ride. I dont know many drivers out there who like pool. If I pick you up and head to next stop and the riders not ready not only am I waiting but so are you. Obviously not fair. Pool tends to be more trouble then its worth.  Drivers have noticed when they stop picking up pool riders their ratings go up. Certain areas and times…


      Pool rides are usually a nightmare for drivers. We make less per mile and per min. When there is more than 1 pool rider Uber tends to make more than driver. Many pool riders get mad when we have another pickup. Others get mad because they may be picked up 1st but dropped off last. I had a guy get mad at me because we had a rider added and he was going to be late for an appt. So I am sure your asking why do these people pick pool then? I cant answer that. I often wonder why you would order pool when you need to be somewhere by a certain time.  Anything that goes wrong on a pool ride even though it may not be drivers fault will be drivers fault on a pool ride. I dont know many drivers out there who like pool. If I pick you up and head to next stop and the riders not ready not only am I waiting but so are you. Obviously not fair. Pool tends to be more trouble then its worth.  Drivers have noticed when they stop picking up pool riders their ratings go up. Certain areas and times its rare you get more than 1 rider so again driver is losing $. You show up to pick up and its a lady with 20 bags at the supermarket. They know its wrong but do it anyway. Riders are allowed 1 other person to bring with them. You pull up they have 2 with them. "I didnt know". I could go on but think you get the point. Pool is lose lose for driver but win win for Uber. This is just my opinion and other drivers I know and read about in forums, you tube videos. You may find some they dont mind them:)

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     5 years ago


    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

    Because it's a CESSPOOL filled with tightwads 

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      I just got a message back from support same old bull. I have all night to go back and forth with them. Of course first response was their scripted crap. It just sucks they get away with things they do. 

        {{ ratingSum }}
        1149 Rider
         5 years ago

        They use chatbots.  Those scripted messages aren't even coming from people anymore.  


        They are trying to replace all drivers with robots.  Are we surprised that their customer support is half robots already?

          {{ ratingSum }}
          OP 8198 Rider Driver
           5 years ago

          Not surprised just annoyed because they don't address the question. They send answer based on key words so anything I ever send is never the answer or solution to my question. If a person actually was reading some of the messages I've sent I would've been deactivated after first 2 months. 


            {{ ratingSum }}
             5 years ago

            LOL, we have all been there.

              {{ ratingSum }}
              OP 8198 Rider Driver
               5 years ago

              What do you think of new driver app? I csnt seem to find my acceptance rate or cancelation rate anywhere? Assuming its not there I am sure that was done on purpose. If you have found it coukd you please tell me where to find it?