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10kW Solar System Price in India with Subsidy

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 Posted 1 week, 1 day ago


As solar energy gains momentum in India, many homeowners and businesses are exploring larger solar systems to meet their energy demands. A 10kW solar system is an excellent choice for those with higher energy consumption needs. This article delves into 10kW Solar System Price in India with Subsidy, highlighting the benefits of government subsidies that make solar installations more affordable.

Understanding a 10kW Solar System

A 10kW solar system is designed to generate approximately 40-50 units of electricity per day, depending on the location and weather conditions. This system is ideal for large homes, small businesses, and commercial establishments with substantial energy needs. Key components of a 10kW solar system include:

  • Solar Panels: Around 30-35 panels, depending on the wattage of each panel.
  • Inverter: Converts the direct current (DC) generated by the panels into alternating current (AC) for use.
  • Mounting Structure: Supports and secures the solar panels on the rooftop.
  • Wiring and Electrical Components: Connects the panels and inverter to the electrical system.
  • Monitoring System: Optional, but allows real-time tracking of energy production and consumption.

Price of a 10kW Solar System in India

The cost of a 10kW solar system in India can vary based on factors such as component quality, installation charges, and location. On average, the price range is as follows:

Without Subsidy

  • Low-End Systems: INR 5 to 6 lakhs
  • Mid-Range Systems: INR 6 to 7 lakhs
  • High-End Systems: INR 7 to 9 lakhs

These prices encompass the cost of solar panels, inverter, mounting structure, wiring, and installation.

With Subsidy

The Indian government, through the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), o…



As solar energy gains momentum in India, many homeowners and businesses are exploring larger solar systems to meet their energy demands. A 10kW solar system is an excellent choice for those with higher energy consumption needs. This article delves into 10kW Solar System Price in India with Subsidy, highlighting the benefits of government subsidies that make solar installations more affordable.

Understanding a 10kW Solar System

A 10kW solar system is designed to generate approximately 40-50 units of electricity per day, depending on the location and weather conditions. This system is ideal for large homes, small businesses, and commercial establishments with substantial energy needs. Key components of a 10kW solar system include:

  • Solar Panels: Around 30-35 panels, depending on the wattage of each panel.
  • Inverter: Converts the direct current (DC) generated by the panels into alternating current (AC) for use.
  • Mounting Structure: Supports and secures the solar panels on the rooftop.
  • Wiring and Electrical Components: Connects the panels and inverter to the electrical system.
  • Monitoring System: Optional, but allows real-time tracking of energy production and consumption.

Price of a 10kW Solar System in India

The cost of a 10kW solar system in India can vary based on factors such as component quality, installation charges, and location. On average, the price range is as follows:

Without Subsidy

  • Low-End Systems: INR 5 to 6 lakhs
  • Mid-Range Systems: INR 6 to 7 lakhs
  • High-End Systems: INR 7 to 9 lakhs

These prices encompass the cost of solar panels, inverter, mounting structure, wiring, and installation.

With Subsidy

The Indian government, through the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), offers subsidies to encourage the adoption of solar energy. These subsidies can cover up to 30% of the system cost in general category states and up to 70% in special category states (Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, and northeastern states).

For a 10kW system, the subsidy can significantly lower the upfront cost:

  • General Category States:

    • Subsidy: Approximately 20-30%
    • Effective Cost After Subsidy: INR 3.5 to 5.6 lakhs
  • Special Category States:

    • Subsidy: Approximately 50-70%
    • Effective Cost After Subsidy: INR 1.5 to 4.2 lakhs

Breakdown of Costs

Solar Panels

  • Cost: INR 3 to 4 lakhs
  • Description: The major component, varying based on the brand and efficiency.


  • Cost: INR 1 to 1.5 lakhs
  • Description: Essential for converting DC to AC; price varies by type (string inverter, micro-inverter, etc.).

Mounting Structure

  • Cost: INR 40,000 to 60,000
  • Description: Quality and type of material (aluminum or galvanized iron) can affect the cost.

Installation and Commissioning

  • Cost: INR 40,000 to 60,000
  • Description: Includes labor and other charges for setting up the system.

Wiring and Other Components

  • Cost: INR 20,000 to 40,000
  • Description: Includes cables, junction boxes, and other electrical components.

Government Subsidy and How to Avail It


  • Residential Users: Subsidies are available for residential rooftop solar installations.
  • Commercial and Industrial Users: Different subsidy schemes or incentives might be available.

Application Process

  1. Contact Approved Vendor: Work with a solar company approved by MNRE.
  2. Site Inspection: Vendor will conduct a site inspection and provide a quotation.
  3. Documentation: Submit necessary documents such as proof of residence, ID proof, and electricity bill.
  4. Installation: Once approved, the vendor will install the system.
  5. Inspection and Commissioning: A government authority will inspect the installation.
  6. Subsidy Disbursement: Subsidy amount will be credited or adjusted against the total cost by the vendor.

MNRE Portal

Homeowners can visit the MNRE website or contact local renewable energy development agencies for more information and to start the application process.


Benefits of Installing a 10kW Solar System

Substantial Energy Cost Savings

A 10kW solar system can significantly reduce or even eliminate electricity bills, providing substantial long-term savings.

Environmental Impact

Switching to solar energy reduces carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a cleaner environment.

Increased Property Value

Homes with solar installations often see an increase in property value, making solar a wise investment.

Energy Independence

Generating your own electricity reduces dependence on the grid and provides greater energy security.

Low Maintenance Costs

Solar panels require minimal maintenance, making them a cost-effective and reliable source of energy for years to come.

Government Incentives

Government subsidies and incentives make solar installations more affordable, enhancing the return on investment.


Investing in a 10kW solar system in India is a financially sound decision, particularly with the availability of government subsidies that significantly reduce the initial cost. By taking advantage of these subsidies, homeowners and businesses can enjoy substantial energy savings, increased property value, and contribute to environmental sustainability. When considering a solar installation, it is crucial to choose a reputable installer, understand the components and costs involved, and leverage available subsidies to maximize your investment.

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    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 days ago

    The price of a 10kW solar system in India with subsidies can vary, but it's a promising investment towards sustainable energy. It's crucial to ensure security testing practices are robust to protect against potential vulnerabilities. I recommend using plagiarismchecker.bot to maintain originality and credibility in your research and content.