Are Lyft fares per person if two are going to the same destination?
The Guru Take
No. The fare is for the trip.
Lyft fares are determined for the trip. Your price will be the same regardless of how many people are in your party, as long as you can fit into the vehicle you requested. (and by "fit", I mean under the capacity specified for each vehicle type.)
The rules are slightly different, of course, for the carpooling option.

Uber Driver, CEO of TaxiFareFinder and Unleashed, LLC
Why do so many people ask this question? Is it different than anything else? Taxis? Limos?
This isn't the plane or a bus.
"So many people" ask this question because they want to know the answer. I have never used thus service, so if there are 4 of us getting in a car for a $20 fare I don't want to be surprised with a bill for $60 more. Many folks don't use taxis, so their experience with paid transportation IS the bus, lightrail, airplane, train, etc., which DOES charge per person.
Hope that clears it up for ya....
Excellent response flyarmyhooks, very clear explanation :)
Because some taxis charge like 1.50 2.00 per person I think that the question he was going for