How many people can ride in a cab
The Guru Take
Try RideGuru's More Info button
It depends on the service you are using. For instance, Uber X can hold up to 4 passengers, while Uber XL can hold up to 6.
Once you have your RideGuru fare estimate, click the "more info" button on any of the fare cards. The passenger capacity for each service is listed there. You can also use the checkboxes on the left of the screen to filter by capacity.
"Cab" in as Taxicab?
If you are referring to taxicabs, they are in most cases sedans that can carry up to 5 people, 4 passengers and a driver. This is assuming there is no significant luggage.
Of course, in many cases, some taxi companies can offer you larger cars such as an SUV or a van. Those can often carry up to 6 passengers.
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