What is Lyft's phone number? How do I contact Lyft's customer service representative?
Lyft's 24/7 Phone Support for Drivers
The Guru Take
Lyft's Critical Response Line - A way to speak to someone 24/7
Lyft offers a 24/7 phone support for immediate assistance. For passengers, it is meant to be reserved for accidents, "safety incidents", and other emergency situations. For drivers, if there is a question about a specific ride, they can simply connect with a customer service rep over the phone. (Convenient if you are driving.)
There is no phone number you can directly dial. You have to submit your phone number into a website/form, and one of the members from Lyft's Critical Response Team will call you back within two minutes.
Click here to connect to Lyft: Receive a call from Lyft's Critical Response Team
This is what Lyft has to say:
"If you experience an accident, an issue which threatens your personal safety, or receive a citation, make sure to take the appropriate steps to protect yourself and get to a safe place. If necessary, call the authorities by dialing 911 or your local non-emergency assistance line, and then contact Lyft's Critical Response Line by using the call feature below. We're available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and will call you as soon as possible after you request the call."

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