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On-Demand Moving & Furniture Delivery App - Phlatbed

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97 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

Everyone has been there….new job, new city, new apartment and the dreaded occasional furniture or item purchase and getting it home. You just signed your lease agreement, and you need to fill up your new apartment. A simple walk through IKEA and you know this feeling all too well. You see great deals on household items that will look nice in your new apartment. You have some options to move your things;

  1. Renting a truck (U-Haul nightmares)
  2. Professional movers (and the quote based games they play)
  3. The PODs container move (good luck with that)
  4. The Friend Move (don’t ruin your friendship)

Ok so, the “Friend Move” is the one that so many of us are familiar with. The “buddy with a truck move”…the “Hi, we haven’t connected in a while, but can we use your truck, or your dads truck?”move…the “I’ll buy you pizza and beer” move.

While this move capitalizes on friendship, it’s free (or a pizza and beer might suffice). It’s often inconsistent, and in almost every case it’s based on the other person’s schedule. They can reschedule and/or cancel at any time. Some issues to consider are;

  1. The tricky friendship zone issue calling in favors
  2. The endless list of things to do during the move
  3. Takes longer than always estimated
  4. The tricky friendship IOU as a result
  5. Your move happens on their schedule!

Phlatbed makes ondemand moving and furniture delivery simple! Phlatbed connects you to local drivers who can help you move stuff! It’s that simple! All drivers are pre-screened, and cleared before being approved to respond to your requests. Our network of Drivers are a community of helpers…


Everyone has been there….new job, new city, new apartment and the dreaded occasional furniture or item purchase and getting it home. You just signed your lease agreement, and you need to fill up your new apartment. A simple walk through IKEA and you know this feeling all too well. You see great deals on household items that will look nice in your new apartment. You have some options to move your things;

  1. Renting a truck (U-Haul nightmares)
  2. Professional movers (and the quote based games they play)
  3. The PODs container move (good luck with that)
  4. The Friend Move (don’t ruin your friendship)

Ok so, the “Friend Move” is the one that so many of us are familiar with. The “buddy with a truck move”…the “Hi, we haven’t connected in a while, but can we use your truck, or your dads truck?”move…the “I’ll buy you pizza and beer” move.

While this move capitalizes on friendship, it’s free (or a pizza and beer might suffice). It’s often inconsistent, and in almost every case it’s based on the other person’s schedule. They can reschedule and/or cancel at any time. Some issues to consider are;

  1. The tricky friendship zone issue calling in favors
  2. The endless list of things to do during the move
  3. Takes longer than always estimated
  4. The tricky friendship IOU as a result
  5. Your move happens on their schedule!

Phlatbed makes ondemand moving and furniture delivery simple! Phlatbed connects you to local drivers who can help you move stuff! It’s that simple! All drivers are pre-screened, and cleared before being approved to respond to your requests. Our network of Drivers are a community of helpers interested in helping in a simple yet affordable manner ondemand. Whether it’s furniture, appliances, small, medium, or large items, including Facebook Marketplace Delivery, Costco, Walmart, or HomeGoods delivery, Phlatbed drivers are at the ready with availability and flexibility. You can track your item in real time, chat with your driver in the app, and get your items where you want it, when you want it.

Simply enter your pickup and delivery address, add a few images, and description, name your price, and drivers respond in minutes. It’s that simple! You might make a new friend in the process!

Technology has helped the on-demand marketplace grow. According to a survey conducted by Burson-Marsteller, 45 million Americans today are offering goods and services in the sharing economy used by 86.5 million Americans. This has been to the benefit of the direct consumer and the provider ecosystem.

“For the first time, consumers are able to monetize some of their assets that they already have that they weren’t getting any income out of,” says Rowan Benecke, chair of Burson-Marsteller’s Global Technology Practice, based in New York. “Some assets could be the extra time [people] have available to run errands and do odd jobs; they could be an extra room in your apartment or a tool in your closet for a special project.” Drivers for Phlatbed fall into this category.

People are on the move, here are the numbers!

Whether you’re moving to a new house, relocating to a different city or downsizing after the kids go to college, the moving industry is as active as it has ever been. In fact, the total economic impact of the moving industry in 2016 was $85.7 billion.

Interstate vs. Local Moves

  1. 2017 Interstate moves: 65.48%
  2. 2017 Local moves: 34.52%

In 2017, there was a 5% increase in long-distance moves, compared to the year 2016.

Months During the year people move the most

  1. January — 5.58%
  2. February — 5.42%
  3. March — 6.83%
  4. April — 7.18%
  5. May — 9.85%
  6. June — 13.12%
  7. July — 12.22%
  8. August — 11.23%
  9. September — 8.58%
  10. October — 8.39%
  11. November — 7.87%
  12. December — 3.73%

Not surprisingly, more than 60% of all moves happened during the spring, summer and until mid-fall. June happens to be the busiest month for moving, whereas December, January, and February are slow. Depending on where you are located, winter may not impact the moving trend.

Days during the week when people moved the most

  • Monday — 17.50%
  • Tuesday — 11.14%
  • Wednesday — 14.20%
  • Thursday — 13.05%
  • Friday — 19.74
  • Saturday — 17.91%
  • Sunday — 6.45%

It still appears that the weekend is always the preferred period during the week for moving. That is why we shouldn’t be surprised that most of the moves have started on Friday. This day accounted for almost 20% of the moves in 2017.

Move Sizes by number of bedrooms

  1. 1-Bedroom — 26.64%
  2. 2-Bedroom — 22.51%
  3. Partial move — 17.75%
  4. 3-Bedroom — 15.89%
  5. 4+ Bedroom — 9.15%
  6. Studio — 8.05%

Most moves tend to be small moves. This may be due to a larger population falling within this category. This also means this population set will be more inclined to utilize on-demand services like Uber, Phlatbed, or the gig economy in general. They tend to be minimalist, agile, tech-savvy, and mobile. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Americans choose to move less of their furniture, because with brands like IKEA becoming more and more popular, it is not profitable to ship all of your furniture anymore. You get the stuff you need and get it where you need it.

Average Price Per Route

The average price for a move with the longest route — from Florida to California is $4047.Based on the reviews we have received over the year, a move from New York to Florida and vice versa will be around $3500. It seems that the length of the route is a less determining factor as we see a higher average price for a shorter route — New Jersey to Florida — $3618. The same trend applies to the shortest route as well. The economic environment of the region can be a greater factor in pricing.

The On-demand model, however, gives some price elasticity to the above. An On-Demand Moving app, for example, may let you name your price or utilize on-demand drivers for your delivery. Companies like Dolly, Lugg, and Phlatbed (or even Uber) may enable the minimalist demographic with little furniture bypass the larger longer haul type moves above.

Furthermore, most moving companies only engage in a certain type of move. A typical moving company won’t roll out a two-person crew to complete a move for less than $1500. It costs a moving company an average of $800 to get a truck on the road. Hence the on-demand moving and delivery app companies fulfilling this market segment.

Surprisingly, more people utilize the do-it-yourself method than employ professional movers. [Source: AMA]

  • by professional movers: 650,000
  • by a consumer with a rented truck: 1 million
  • by consumer unassisted: 1.35 million

Who uses moving companies? [Source: AMA]

  • Individuals: 44%
  • Corporate: 38%
  • Military: 16%
  • Other federal government: 2%

The items most commonly being moved are: [Source: AMA]

  • Household goods: 73%
  • Computers, copiers and other electronic office equipment: 20%
  • Exhibits and trade shows: 6%
  • Office and institutional: 1% (mostly local moves)

The average mover is part of a couple between the ages of 18 to 34 with one or two kids. As people get older, their tendency to move decreases significantly.

[Source: MelissaData]

Around half of all moves take place in the summer, between the beginning of May and Labor Day. [Source: Money.USNews]

The average cost of an interstate move is $4,300, while the average cost of an in-state move is $2,300. [Source: MyMovingReviews.com]

The average annual percentage of Americans who move is 11.2%. [Source: AMA]

The actual number of Americans who move annually is around 35.1 million. [Source: AMA]

  • That’s 15.3 million households at 2.3 persons per household.
  • 9.3% of Americans made a move within the same state. [Source: AMA]
  • 1.5% of Americans moved to a different state. [Source: AMA]
  • 0.4% of Americans moved from the U.S. to another country. [Source: AMA]
  • Of the Americans who moved (35.1 million): [Source: AMA]
  • 7% moved within the same state
  • 4% moved to a different state
  • 36% moved from the U.S. to another country

Reason for moving

(U.S. Census questionnaire for 2015–16): [Source: AMA]

  • Wanted new or better home/apartment — 17.4%
  • To establish own household — 12.2%
  • New job or transfer — 10.8%
  • Other family reason — 10.5%
  • Wanted cheaper housing — 8.2%
  • Other housing reason — 6.7%
  • To be closer to work/easier commute — 6%
  • Wanted to own their own home, not rent — 5.9%
  • Change in marital status — 4.8%
  • Other reasons — 4.4%
  • To attend or leave college — 3.2%
  • Wanted better neighborhood/less crime — 3.1%
  • Health reasons — 1.8%
  • To look for work or lost job — 1.5%
  • Other job-related reasons — 1.2%
  • Foreclosure/eviction — 0.9%
  • Change of climate — 0.8%
  • Retired — 0.7%
  • Natural disaster — 0.1%

Moving and Millennials:

  1. Older (age 25 to 35) Millennials are moving less than previous generations. Only 20% of Millennials reported having moved in the last year. Compare that to the silent generation in 1963 at 26% and Generation X in 2000 at 26%.

[Source: Pew Research Center]

  1. Only 42% of Millennials (aged 25 to 35) were married and living with their spouse in 2016. By comparison, 82% of Silent Generations of the same age were married and living with their spouse in 1963. [Source: Pew Research Center]
  2. In 1981, 56% of Baby Boomer 25 to 35 year-olds lived in homes they owned themselves, but only 37% of Millennials own homes. [Source: Pew Research Center]
  3. In 2016, 56% of Millennials aged 25 to 35 were childless.

[Source: Pew Research Center]

  1. If they’re not tied down by spouses, houses, and children, why are Millennials staying put? Less labor market opportunities and less motivation to move into a home that they will own could both play a factor in their decisions.

[Source: Pew Research Center]

On-Demand Moving and Delivery App

On-Demand Pickup and delivery apps


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