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Seeking driver for 25 daily trips to UCSF Mission Bay from Berkeley.

{{ ratingSum }}
1 Driver
 Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

I'm undergoing radiation at at UCSF and thought it would easier to have a driver pick me up at my home in Berkeley, take me to UCSF, wait there for approx 1/2 hour and bring me back home. Estimated time 2 1/2;hrs. Driver must be pleasant but not too talkative and car must be very comfortable, clean and relatively new. Daily compensation in cash or credit card but based on $2000 for 25 trips


    {{ ratingSum }}
    756 Rider Guru
     3 years ago

    You may want to call UCSF and ask if they have any NEMT (Non-emergency medical transportation) options.

    A lot of times they do, and it can sometimes be at least partially covered by insurance/medicare/medicaid. In those cases transportation is provided by local providers with good drivers and vehicles.