Would an Uber driver take me to one location to pick up a key for our time share & then take me to the actual time share?
Would an Uber driver take me to one location to pick up a key for our time sh...
The Guru Take
Yes. Rideshare drivers will typically take you wherever you want to go within their range, including stops. Two things to keep in mind though. First, you will be billed for the entire time of the trip, including the stops you make. The driver is well within their right the keep the app on during the entire time of the stop. However, and secondly, the amount the driver makes by waiting for you instead of driving more customers around is minimal. While the driver waits for you he/she will only get paid "wait time" instead of "wait time plus drive time". If you ask your driver to make stops on your trip, we would recommend tipping the driver for their troubles!
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