Ride Apprentice
Posts by CrazyCrayons
Uber Mclaren in Dubai
Which is cleaner, taxi or Uber?
Watch out, Uber! No-driver Waymo is almost here!
Apparently, Google's autonomous vehicles are pretty much ready. I guess their field test in Arizone was successful? Arriving to the … -
Is it true Uber ignores the rating if the reason provided is to do with Pricing or GPS issues?
Why does it take so long to get approved to become a driver for Uber?
no, but they could have at least consoled the poor man. "there there. you will be fine. <reading from a script>"
didn’t I see that CA drivers may get $30/hr if they become employees
Agreed. The drivers should at least have the outside air on their ac and open their windows for a little while before pick up. Even just 10 seconds. I am sure it helps tremendously to disperse the infected droplets.
Low tech and High tech meet.
Lyft just can't stay out of the limelight.
Oh gosh. You are right. Friday and Saturday nights, people getting out of bars and clubs. Those backseats will be filthy.
People will start using them for pay-by-the-hour hotel in those things.
I guess the only defense is the dashcam, which I’m sure will be a standard equipment.
Once we have driverless cars, I’m sure riders will be watching pay-per-view style. Like on an airplane but with privacy.
What they do between rides waiting for passengers
Brilliant. Gotta keep busy during those rides.
Income group. Don't let Uber know how much you make.
One word: GPS.
The reputable Black Cabs of London used to have tests for their drivers to make sure the drivers had memorized the map. They were highly touted... Then the GPS came around.
Anyone can drive these cars.
As for safety? People (whether they drive for Uber or not) drive all the time, and they aren't getting into lots of accidents. In short, we all know how to drive. I guess I am saying that you don't need to be "skilled" to drive a car. It's a common skill. definitely not specialized.
To other posters. Look at the question again. He is asking what you do in big cities.
In big cities you really shouldn't be sleeping on the side of the road. You can get ticketed or attacked. You also cannot afford the parking fees either.
No rest areas either.
Why not Breathalyzer?
The OP already mentioned that one.
Sorry. I meant to reply to @bBerman81
Limiting the number of transactions? So at certain point in the course of a day, all the drivers get a notification that we must stop working? It’s a funny thought. What if one just started working and two minutes later, the day is over? Not a reliable source of income. (Well, I guesss it never was.)
Capping the number of drivers may work, but they’d have to fence it, or else the coverage may become spotty.
In either option, it is no longer an on-demand workforce, and it will also be a completely u reliable profession for anyone. It’s like having a job and you have no idea how much you’d make.
Then again, maybe that’s just the nature of this new job. No more professional drivers. Just people with extra time and a car.
That's the cheesiest art clip. also looks like a noob made it.
Not that the World news is any better. Countries blowing each other up instead of people.
Only if it said, “Please tip.”
Then again, you can get your car keyed if you did something like that.
These guns should have Pythagorean Theorem built in so it can calculate it better.
...or do they?