Not Really
If I am stopped by a police officer with a radar gun. Can I ask him to show me the speed I was going on the radar? What are my options?
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Frank Pressly (fpressly)
Ride Apprentice from Greenville, SC
Video te ego audiam vos ego sentio tibi. - Cat herder - Uber/Lyft 3000 rides
I have been a ride share driver for almost three years. While I like the ride share concept, I truly hate it's implementation and the way Uber and Lyft have so little regard for their work force. I am for the little guy. I seek to right injustice and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. It's usually the ones you find hardest to love that need it the most. Please enjoy my opinion and if you like (or even if you just welcome the effort), an upvote is a digital pat on the back and is most appreciated. I invite you to read my other comments and upvote them as well. Thanks
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Has anyone tried SafeTrek? Safe measures for Females. They say it can call police and authorities automatically.
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Can I deny an off-duty cop a ride in my car if they are carrying a gun?
I believe even when get you with a speed gun, they would check the box that says ,"Estimated." At least that's how they've written me up in the past. I actually wonder if this is always checked when measured by a human officer. (instead of those automated cameras)
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter to the police or judge. It's your word against his/hers. (The policeman's word holds a certain level of credibility.)
Dont admit to speeding even a little! Hold to the fact that you were going the speed limit.
I've too wondered how they consider for the angle that they beam you at. That angle that the radar hits your vehicle must affect the speed. True speed can only be calculated if they gun you straight on.
Then on second thought, if they get you in an angle, they would see you as going slower than you were actually going. Think the extreme case where you are passing the cop on the side of the road, so he gets you at 90 degrees. (directly at the side of your car) They'd theoretically see you going as 0 mph.
That is correct. Police who shoot you across five six lanes of traffic have only a 20 degree aperture and yes that would make the radar say you were going slower. So if the officer tells you he clocked you at X speed, he is lying.
These guns should have Pythagorean Theorem built in so it can calculate it better.
...or do they?