Which is cleaner, taxi or Uber?
Posted 6 years, 10 months ago
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Uber, hands down. Are you kidding? Have you been in a taxi?
I would imagine an Uber is cleaner. It's real people's cars and it's in their best interest to keep it clean. On the other hand, taxis are often owned by taxi companies and are leased to the drivers.
Right. People take care of their own things, often with pride. Other people's things? Nope.
How about passengers who smell like Ass Cheese ???
Yeah, i'd hate to say it, but Ubers are always cleaner. I've always been impressed with Uber cars, perhaps due to being used to the quality of taxis.
I've run into my share of UberXs that are like from 2005, that were worn. but none of them smelled that bad. Then again, I've also run into smelly drivers, but not sure if that is different between taxi drivers vs. uber drivers.
Why do you hate to say it? taxis are so dirty that I don't think even taxi drivers are offended