Ride Apprentice
12 RiderActivity
Posts by KarinaWakaba
Someone told me that Uber drivers are seeing "negative earnings." Why would that happen?
They are usually posted with the sentiment, "Driving for Uber sucks! Look at how little I make! LOL" I thought …
IRS rate is supposed to be how much it costs to operate the vehicle in terms of fuel, wear and tear, maintenance fees, etc.
...and it does NOT consider for the time incurred by the driver.
If Lyft is really only offering this much, every ride will be at a loss.
Is that right? Does it even matter who goes first?
If you as a rider asks, “are you Jay?” a kidnapping driver would say, “of course!”
I do miss the cool and hip era of rideshares. Everyone excited about the new experience and meeting strangers for a short while. Nice conversations, people sitting in front seat. Drivers were also in it for the experience. Many were part-time and treated it an opportunity to meet people.
Now, the drivers' livelihood depends on it and they are stressed. Riders just treat it as a commodity and a way to get from point A to B. They are also stressed.
I understand that this was the natural course of evolution as it became wide spread but I still do miss the old days
You say call, but do you cover all states?
Pricing and availability. But those almost go without saying.
since I’m starting to consider taking Uber three times a week for commuting purposes so the frequent rider and loyalty programs could be high on my list.
So this must be a new thing. How the drivers can see the distance. That’s bad for the passengers, right? Drivers cherry picking the requests.
Or does this happen before it even matches me up with a driver? When you say declining is that canceling or does the request just go to another driver?
If you are engaged and do not respond in a small-talk, yeah, I think that would be impolite. Whether that deserves a negative rating or whatever is another story.
People sometimes do want to be left alone. You can always politely ask that you be left alone.
Yes, It does.
Those are two great stories. There must be lots of these stories for you uber drivers.
Less than half? I rate every one of my rides. I mean, it's in my face the next time I open the app, and I rate it so I can get rid of the screen.
I knew it. I knew Lyft drivers were just as bad as Uber drivers. I am not quite sure what this is, but I assume it's about cancelling on riders or cherry picking rides.