Water, gum, mints, umbrella, ponchos, aux cable, and charging cables. I have heard those. Anything extra you want?
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Do you have questions for your Uber anad Lyft drivers? What about tips and suggestions? Whether you are a driver or a rider, share your comments here and get responses from real rideshare drivers.
Water, gum, mints, umbrella, ponchos, aux cable, and charging cables. I have heard those. Anything extra you want?
I am a driver looking for ways to serve you better. This is your chance to share your ideas.
An eject button on all passenger seating. So when my express pool rider that I drive 7 min to to find out they are going 5 blocks isnt on the the corner the app tells them to go to I can wait 5 min or drive to find them. Then asks me to stop at store, takes not just 1 water but 1 for the road, and then when we get to destination says "I cant walk I dont know how to get there". The best is my fare is 3.95 and guess what else? You drivers know this one I bet. No tip. Not surprising. I can eject them out of my car best amenity ever. Oh sorry you wanted ideas from passengers for amenities for riders.
Just want to mention 1 other type of rider I would love to eject. Pick up 7:57am. Rider says "I am having a bad morning didnt hear my alarm" need to be in work at 8:00. Destination is 7 min away. Brags the entire way of how much money he makes since moving here from Arizona. BTW got him there in 4 min. First time I pick him up no tip. Second time doesnt remember me. Same story late, makes so much money. Drop off. I got a tip I was shocked. Looked at amt .50. Thats just an insult. EJECT.
Those are two great stories. There must be lots of these stories for you uber drivers.
That's an amenity? Sounds like a vehicle feature for the drivers. and it's brilliant.
I am in total agreement with you . Hello passengers start with giving at least 15% Tipping and when .our weekly gross equals the Tipping percentage then we can off some treats
What about those warm hand towels? Like those that they give you at Japanese restaurants?
Can you imagine how refreshing that would be on a hot day.
Yes, I can. but it ain't a spa.
wait, until you have your own private jet for that, please.
How about a hot towel to make a noose for you to hang yourself.
I thought a noose was what you drivers carried in your glovebox for when Uber cuts the rate to zero.
I am not a Uber driver and it would be a cold day in hell before I let u sit in my car J/O
The best you will get from an UberX driver is a Lysol counter wipe. (We use those to clean cars between fares.)
Yeah one that has been already used
Life advice?
No matter how many times I re-read it, I keep reading Coke as cocaine. I assume you meant cola
Floss yes after I used it , coke yes a empty one that you redeem for a nickel , life advice ? Get a life
Friendly tour of the route/city that we drive. Love the insightful conversations I have with my friendly drivers. It means a lot more than you think
Btw, no, not just talkative. Someone who shares something new with you, like stories of driving, history of the city that we are driving in, etc. No, not your life problems. I am sorry, but I don't care.
Guess what 90% don't care about your proplems and other 10 % are happy that you have proplems . Most drivers fall in the 90% . I love tours as long as I can jack up the fare.
I know this is a hypothetical thought exercise, but I cannot think anything else but expenses associated. UberX drivers make such low margins that we cannot be offering anymore amenities. I was almost offended when I saw this question.
If the riders tipped more, I think I would provide things. ...but they don't. and that's regardless of whether I have amenities or not. I ran experiments and I didn't see much difference.
Hello , get with it these Tightwads are not going to tip you because Uber 666 has successfully dug up all the mass transit zombies to think they are special.
Audio headsets? Like those cheapo disposal ones that airlines hand out?
How about you buying your own Tightwad.
Your attentiveness to open an umbrella and walk me to the door.
Not for cheap fares and no tip. Keep dreaming
One can argue that you'd get receive more tip if you provided better service and vice versa.
Someone's gotta start. I am doing my part by paying it forward.
Yes we start by 99% of passengers Tipping 15% mininium.
LOL. If you need a disabled grandmother with a cane to walk you to your door in the rain for a $3 ride, you have bigger problems than I can ever help you with.
Wasn't there a similar thread on this forum?
I remember someone selling 5-hour energy. but selling though.
You need exlax
How about getting me there without complaining about how horrible Uber is
The driver is talking about you