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Have you had any #whatsmyname passengers yet?

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77 Driver
 Posted 5 years, 11 months ago

I keep reading about this big new campaign to encourage riders to ask drivers what their name is before getting in the vehicle. This bothers me as it is really the only way us drivers have to check the validity of our riders. Riders can check the license plate, car color, car make/model, etc. Have you had any passengers do this to you yet?


    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    Every rider we pick up is a safety issue. We dont know what these riders are capable of doing especially under the influence. Do Uber and Lyft cate about drivers safety? Absolutely not. Lyft especially lets riders use fake names on their profile. Every rider should have to have a pic on their profile that we can see. Sometimes it comes up on Lyft.  Not that this helps much but better than what we get now. Uber and Lyft do not background check riders. I will not pick up any rider with a fake name or in another language.  Few weeks ago got this request. Pinged me 3X over 20 minutes declined 3X. Idiot probably windering why its taking so long to have his request accepted. Its also probably a minor or a jerk. 

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      This rider must have known about the new whatsmyname initiative. Just wanted to make you say it.

      5.0 stars!

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        Agreed. I am a 54 yr old  female driver. With that being said what the hell am I going to do these riders?  Yes check the pic, make, model, and license plate. At least leave me with one safety feature "your name".  So far I've only had one difficult passenger a drunk 30 something female with her drunk husband. Even the husband told her to be quiet and chill. There are no stories out there about female drivers killing, raping, kidnapping riders so chances are I am not a threat especially at my age:) Of course the passenger rated me at 4 stars. I wasnt rude I explained why I had to have her tell me their name 1st. 

      {{ ratingSum }}
      1300 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      I've had some weird ID's but yours takes the cake. I hope you didn't accept that ride. 5.0 rating, not for long. 😆 Let alone 9 minutes away, HELL NO!

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        Declined all 3 or 4X it hit my phone:) Any request that doesnt have a real name I decline on Lyft. Uber I've been lucky only had 1 with just a letter M.  Rating was good and it was a long trip. I did take the chance. Paid off. Really sweet older couple who tipped 20%. It's mostly lyft I see bogus names. Most of my rides are families, pilots, business people, college kids, and families going to the airport or coming into the airport. No, dont wait in queues. Lol I am picky on my rides. I found an area to drive to pick these types of people up and can usually tell where they are going.  Lyft gives me 30+ min long trip or 45+ min long trip when request pings my phone. Uber gives me 42 min, 47 min, 52 min long trip, etc.. when request pings my phone. By doing it this way I feel safer. People travelling and paying $60.00+ for a trip tends not to be a problem. Some have the "your just a driver",  attitude or "I make big bucks I am better than you", or "I am President of my Co. and you are hired help". I can deal with them:)

      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      LOL haha haha. “DickSwallower?!”   Definitely a doing of a drunk college kid.  

      I didn’t know you can change your name that easily. Must be a nickname field or something. 

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        Its Lyft they dont need to use their real name on there. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1602 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    I've had them ask my name.  I give it to them, but then immediately ask them their name.  If they answer incorrectly, I then ask them the name on the account that ordered the ride.  If they weren't able to answer that I would tell them - sorry, this is not your Uber.  Fortunately that situation hasn't occurred recently.

    But I have had several instances while sitting at a drinking establishment at closing time where ladies would walk up and get in my car "thinking" it was their Uber or in 2 cases, they thought it was their friend and after looking at my face (after getting in and sitting down) usually followed by an "Oh sh**, this is the wrong car"..  LOL

    Excess alcohol is truly not anyone's friend!

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      Ya, this campaign does nothing against drunk girls. Instead of a #whatsmyname campaign, there should really be a "Don't let your friends Uber alone drunk campaign"

    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      That screen shot is directly from driver app. Note the last sentence "driver will ask for your name".

    {{ ratingSum }}
    324 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    The problem about the name check is that once the info is divulged you can no longer rely on it anymore. So if you slip and blurt out your name (or your friend yells it out, e.g. “Goodbye, Steph!”, there’s no longer another way to verify the identity of the driver. This isn’t reliable at all. 

    I’d hate for the code thing. Can we just check the vehicle information and license plate that rely on state mandated info and be okay with it?

    As for protecting the drivers, yeah, that part makes sense. Drivers just need to know what to ask for.  

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      There is quite a few ways to verify the driver. License plate, color, make, model, license plate, our picture. Your app shows us pulling up. How can you say there is no way to identify driver?

    {{ ratingSum }}
    58 Driver Driver
     5 years ago

    the main problem with this campaign is that people can just steal Uber rides.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    This came to me today from Uber via driver app. Confirming we dont have to pull up and say their name first.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    "Say my name" campaign isnt going to fly with drivers.  How about we Start a campaign called "Read TOS before requesting 1st ride, be responsible"

    This is straight out of the TOS in the rider app. This "say my name" campaign was started by the girl who was murdered friend. I get they want to do something but "say my name" not the answer. She is not a driver and most of these young people never even glanced at TOS. They just want to get where they are going quickly. I dont want to make light of this young womans death. It is awful. I feel for her family and friends. You cant just decide you are going to change a companys policy or make the drivers more unsafe.  IF RIDERS CHECK THE LICENSE PLATE, MAKE, MODEL, COLOR, DRIVER PIC there should be no issues. I really hate to say this but it could've been avoided had she checked this info. She wasnt forced into car, there was a group of males standing outside near her. Where were her friend…


    "Say my name" campaign isnt going to fly with drivers.  How about we Start a campaign called "Read TOS before requesting 1st ride, be responsible"

    This is straight out of the TOS in the rider app. This "say my name" campaign was started by the girl who was murdered friend. I get they want to do something but "say my name" not the answer. She is not a driver and most of these young people never even glanced at TOS. They just want to get where they are going quickly. I dont want to make light of this young womans death. It is awful. I feel for her family and friends. You cant just decide you are going to change a companys policy or make the drivers more unsafe.  IF RIDERS CHECK THE LICENSE PLATE, MAKE, MODEL, COLOR, DRIVER PIC there should be no issues. I really hate to say this but it could've been avoided had she checked this info. She wasnt forced into car, there was a group of males standing outside near her. Where were her friends? Females out there try taking Uber with a friend if you cant call a friend, send your trip info. 911 is available in your app.  

    Screenshot from Riders TOS

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    18 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    It’s happened to me several times now. I ask them their name, and they tell me no, I have to give them their name.  I try to tell them that’s not how it works, and they try to tell me those are the rules. I am getting fed up.

    Show Hide  5 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      81 Driver
       5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

      You are supposed to give them their name!   Then they are supposed to give you yours.  You got it backwards.   Yes?

      Since the SC incident I have had several people check my plates... I like it.  They will say my name, I say theirs.   It is a good icebreaker/handshake/civil start to a ride.  

        {{ ratingSum }}
        12 Rider
         5 years ago

        Is that right? Does it even matter who goes first?  

        If you as a rider asks, “are you Jay?” a kidnapping driver would say, “of course!”

        {{ ratingSum }}
         5 years ago

        Hahaha, you are right. I was confused. when I read the other message.

        but think about it though.  If the driver has to initiate the convo, the driver has to say, "what's my name?!  Say my name, b**tch!" LOL.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        The rider after checking that car matches what they have in their app is then supposed to guve driver their name and then driver is suppose to give their name. Then driver will check destination is correct. Riders have enough info on us including a pic. We have nothing but a name. As much as they want to be safe so do we. There is nothing to protect us just a name. 

      {{ ratingSum }}
      207 Driver
       5 years ago

      OH MY GOD!!!....    What the hell is it with people.    YOU DO NOT ask them their name,  you show you know their name and vice versa!

      Both  driver and passenger say       "HI, (name here) "

      You (the  passenger) says Hi  Johnathan... letting the driver know it is the correct passenger BEFORE he lets you in the car.     Otherwise, find the correct car!

      The driver says Hi GetPulse68,  showing he is your ride.   WHAT GOOD IS IT IF HE ASKS YOU YOUR NAME?   You are supposed to know each others names!

      The driver shows he knows the passenger's name, then the passenger shows he knows the driver's name.  

        It does not matter in which order.  Dual Handshake!  Simple.  


      The rider also has the make, color, and license plate of the car and a picture of the driver...  and Uber/Lyft have even more info on file.

      Banging my head on a wall

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Then again, I do realize that some drivers would ask me, "Are you Sean?'  Then I think, "That isn't helpful.  Anyone could just say yes and take my uber!"

    Show Hide  1 Reply
      {{ ratingSum }}
      207 Driver
       5 years ago

      OH MY GOD!!!....    What the hell is it with people.    To finish what you said, then then you (the  passenger) says Hi  Johnathan... letting the driver know it is the correct passenger BEFORE he lets you in the car.     Otherwise, find the correct car!

       The driver shows he knows the passenger's name, then the passenger shows he knows the driver's name.   It does not matter in which order.  Dual Handshake!  Simple.   (aside from knowing the car, license plate, and a picture of the driver.)  There never really was an issue of getting the wrong driver or car.  We are provided with the tools.  All this ballyhoo is a waste of energy... and serves to show how ignorant people are in droves.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    Here is the cause of "whats my name". Parents only trying to help others but really made it bad for drivers.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      This whole "initiative" reminds me of the old days when kids were instructed to yell "stranger danger!"  

    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    This is a because of the girl from NJ getting killed in SC. It's not Uber or Lyft starting this. It's the girls friend. Drivers everywhere are pissed most refusing to give out their name first. I had 2 riders last weekend ask me my name. I told them to go to back of car and look at my plate. I then asked them to look at their app. Is your Uber showing up on the map at this location, what is the make and model of the car? They looked and answered. I then said whats your name they answered. I gave my name then and only then. I asked if 123 Sesame St was their destination they confirmed and off we went. The 2 rides were young 20 something women who didnt have a clue about anything I asked them. These people sign on order ride and jump in car that approaches them first. They never read TOS or looked at app after ordering. I've been educating riders since that girl passed away. Not my job but just want everyone to be safe. I cant tell you how many times riders have approached m…


    This is a because of the girl from NJ getting killed in SC. It's not Uber or Lyft starting this. It's the girls friend. Drivers everywhere are pissed most refusing to give out their name first. I had 2 riders last weekend ask me my name. I told them to go to back of car and look at my plate. I then asked them to look at their app. Is your Uber showing up on the map at this location, what is the make and model of the car? They looked and answered. I then said whats your name they answered. I gave my name then and only then. I asked if 123 Sesame St was their destination they confirmed and off we went. The 2 rides were young 20 something women who didnt have a clue about anything I asked them. These people sign on order ride and jump in car that approaches them first. They never read TOS or looked at app after ordering. I've been educating riders since that girl passed away. Not my job but just want everyone to be safe. I cant tell you how many times riders have approached me thinking I am their Uber. When i ask their drivers name and car info I get Mike white ford focus. I am a female with black honda pilot. This is how uneducated about ride share, lazy, or drunk these riders are.  No where in the app or online does it say we have to say our name first. 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    I really do not get this. The simple solution is for the driver to give THEIR name to the rider and the rider to give THEIR name to the driver. There, everyone is verified.

    Show Hide  3 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      1072 Rider Driver
       5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

      The correct procedure is for the passenger to give their name to the driver to ensure the safety of the driver .  Passengers have a plethora of other ways to verify the identity of the person behind the wheel.  

      I've only had one person want me to state their name.  I simply told them that I can't divulge my passengers personal information until I've verified who they are.  "Sorry, but if you're my passenger, it's for your own privacy and protection.  If you need to verify who I am, please use the app to verify the year, make, model and color of my vehicle, cross reference it with the picture of my car, and compare the verified driver picture with my face."  

      This stupid misinformation campaign needs to stop ASAP.  

        {{ ratingSum }}
         5 years ago

        Wait, I agree with your sentiment but how would someone know the name of the driver?  DOing a lookup in the license plate or something?

          {{ ratingSum }}
          8198 Rider Driver
           5 years ago

          After a driver accepts the ride the rider is sent our Name, picture, color, make, and model, license plate number. They can also watch us on their app driving to them and when we pull up. As a rider its your responsibilty to check those things. Then when e everything matches its safe to enter. When I pull up I ask the rider their name, if it matches what I have I will then give my name and verify destination. Riders have enough info on us to keep them safe. Drivers have nothing but a first name on that rider, pick up address, and destination. Drivers are taking a big risk when riders get in our car. Although not the best check we have a background check riders do not. I am a female driver chances of me kidnapping or hurting a rider are slim. There are no stories out there about female drivers kidnapping, injuring, or killing a rider. We at least need to be able to ask their name first as we have nothing else to protect us. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    190 Driver
     5 years ago

     I pick up a librarian named Michelle somewhat frequently and every time she walks to my car now I randomly blurt out #whatsmichelle 

    She’s always good for a three dollar tip bless her soul

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      I love these healthy relationship some drivers build with their customers. Rideshares have been so commoditized that I thought I'd never see this anymore.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    I feel like the driver asking my name (the rider) is enough, no? I mean they do that already anyways. We just have to be more diligent on that. 

    I guess the driver could know my name if my friends were yelling out my name or something. That’s difficult to believe though. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    94 Rider
     5 years ago

    You can tell the name and let her give you the destination

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      1072 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Wrong.  Getting the passengers name is for DRIVER SAFETY.  Nothing happens, nobody gets in my car, before you give me your name and I know who you are.   Once I've confirmed that you're the right passenger, I'm free to verify destination and play this stupid whats my name game.  

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        Had a drunk husband and wife last night. I am the only car out there in parking lot. They walk up wife says "whats your name"? I said if you could please give me your name Ill be happy to tell you mine. Of course in her slurred, belligerent tone says "what do you mean"? So of course I explain why. So husbands gives up his name and tells her to be quiet. Before they get in I asked if they checked my plate? They both look at me like i have 2 heads. I then tell thrm to look at the phone does everything match? Both stand there no clue what I am talking about. She gets in my car "now tell me what your rules are"? Again husband tells her to shut up. So of course I explain not my rules but Ubers TOS. Then I explain how they shouldve checked the app for my info. Not giving my name 1st is for my protection and so no one steals your Uber. Then I listen to how they are going to pay sitter 100.00 cause she keeps kids safe. I drove your drunk, annoying, ignorant asses…


        Had a drunk husband and wife last night. I am the only car out there in parking lot. They walk up wife says "whats your name"? I said if you could please give me your name Ill be happy to tell you mine. Of course in her slurred, belligerent tone says "what do you mean"? So of course I explain why. So husbands gives up his name and tells her to be quiet. Before they get in I asked if they checked my plate? They both look at me like i have 2 heads. I then tell thrm to look at the phone does everything match? Both stand there no clue what I am talking about. She gets in my car "now tell me what your rules are"? Again husband tells her to shut up. So of course I explain not my rules but Ubers TOS. Then I explain how they shouldve checked the app for my info. Not giving my name 1st is for my protection and so no one steals your Uber. Then I listen to how they are going to pay sitter 100.00 cause she keeps kids safe. I drove your drunk, annoying, ignorant asses home. All i got was aggravation. I have only kicked 1 family out of my car for trying to fit 4 kids no seats and 2 big ass adults out of my car. I refused 5 other riders with no safety seat. It's now to the point that I have had it with some of these idiots. I am going to just cancel or throw them out. Their 12.60 is nothing compared to my daytime business rides. At least they tip and dont givrd me a hard time. I only drive drunks 4 hrs on Saturday nights anymore. The rest of the time are mostly families or business people. If the money wasnt so good i wouldnt be driving drunks at all. What really makes me laugh I am a 53 yr old female if I could over power her and her husband that would be pretty sad. Why would they need to give me a hard time over not saying the name? Also find me an Uber story that a woman killed, raped, or beat a passenger. These people are so ridiculous . Waiting for my 1 star. Uber is getting a report on them. Not that it matters but want no chance being matched with them again. I understand the girl who was killed had friends that wanted to  do something but "say my name" is all wrong. They shouldve checked with a decent driver, you tubber, rideshare forum, something. They think that a campaign on FB was a good idea without even contacting Uber or anyone so wrong. Young people think anything they see on social media is correct and true. If they make it up we should have to follow because the are self entitled college students who think the world should chsnge for them. So frustrating

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      81 Driver
       5 years ago

      We do not get the destination until after the trip is started... so exactly how does that help?  Unless you are cherry picking...