Ben (bett)
Ride Apprentice
40 RiderActivity
Posts by bett
Ola Electric raises $200 million at $3 billion valuation
"Ola Electric recently launching its first electric scooter, called Ola S1, that is priced at 99,999 Indian rupees, or $1,350. … -
Uber Driver Shortage is impacting the UK too
Complaints of long wait times, high surge prices, and no cars available are prevalent in the UK now for both … -
Free Uber Eats Food Trucks on Election Day!
Just fyi everyone. This is a perfect way to get a free lunch when you go vote :) -
I just love watching my Ubers drive the WRONG way ...
Isn't Uber required to pay at least minimum wage in some areas?
Driver: *opens app*
App: "Your first delivery today is to space"
Ive known people who have hedgehogs as support animals now, apparently any animal can be a support animal these days haha
wait, that is awful. Did you report this dude? People don't just "joke" about kidnapping...
Wow. What is even more surprising to me is that UberXL is only 3 dollars more!
Lyft seems to have better transparency but Uber is just everywhere so I still take Uber.
No, uber doesn't allow anyone to ride under 18.
In some places you can also order the "Hourly Uber" service which is essentially renting out and Uber Car/Driver for an hour for a set price. Sometimes this is cheaper if you need to run multiple quick errands.
Sure, I can understand declining these types of trips, that makes sense. But to accept and pick up a passenger and then give them a low rating seems wrong. The passenger is this situation did nothing wrong and you are essentially saying "I am ok giving this short ride" by accepting.
Agreed, that drivers should be able to change ratings, I don't understand why this is a rule in the first place. I suppose they don't want drivers going back and giving low ratings for non-tippers?
I'm sorry, but I just don't see how this is the passengers fault? They cannot control how far away you are when Uber pings you. AND many people need rides for short distances, whether they physically cannot walk that far, have a lot to carry, or it is raining. Why would you punish the passenger for this? Sure, be mad at Uber for having a crappy algorithm that doesn't pay you more for these situations but this is in no way the riders fault.
The article lists the participating cities and the food trucks will be stationed outside of the voting polls. The food is free so you can just walk up and get the food without signing onto your app. Pretty much this is just a marketing thing for Uber but you can get free food :)
Yes, you are always supposed to exchange info but perhaps the "Proper" way to do so is to have the cop be the middle man. Last time I got in an accident I waiting in my car till the cop got there as the gentlemen who hit me was throwing stuff and acting all crazy. The cops took my information and the other guys information and filed something then gave me the information i needed to call the insurance.
Here is the US we need the feature for drivers to identify as criminals, 😂
Is this for a ride to the airport? If so, the reliability depends on where you live. The more rural you are the less confident I would be in your scheduled ride. If you are near the city, you should be fine.
Am I the only one that finds this sort of crazy that this actually exists?
It will definitely have to increase if they have to pay drivers benefits, min wage, etc. Uber and Lyft might still battle against each other to keep it relatively low though.
Strange, so do you login to your account via the kiosk? Or just like insert your credit card?
Thanks - I can't find the link? I would like this resource! Thanks!
Oh man, I totally relate to this post. I am terrified of hitting an animal while driving. I once went around the block again because I feared I had hit a baby bird and I just could not leave it there. Luckily I must have missed it. Do not beat yourself up though these things happen and I am sure the deer appreciated being put out of its misery.
PS: I am glad you are ok.
This happened to me once, I saw the driver just keep driving in circles a block over from me trying to run out the clock. I was charged a cancellation fee when I finally cancelled which I thought was ridiculous. I wrote to Uber and was able to get my money back. Though it did take a while...