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You no longer need a phone to order an Uber. At least not at at Toronto's Airport. More areas to follow.

{{ ratingSum }}
8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

You no longer need a smart phone to order your Uber in Toronto's Airport. Uber has now installed Kiosks to order your Uber. Currently this is the only place to be able to do this. The company says it hopes to use them to increase access at high volumn venues. Your thoughts. 

I dont see how this would help increase business or make things easier unless your phone is dead or you dont have a smart phone. 

Maybe it may help the elderly who are not very tech savy, cant see on their phone very well, or dont have a smart phone. Your phone dies, but how many people have dead phones & need to order an Uber? If there is more than 1 person in front of you people wont want to bothered to wait. Just really dont see a purpose. Just my opinion. 

Would like to hear from people who feel this would benefit Uber or a rider. How could this possibly increase their business? What am I missing/not seeing? 



    {{ ratingSum }}
    139 Rider
     5 years ago

    They have always tried this concept with some (but arguable) success with taxis and also airport shuttles.  At airports, near baggage claim and arrival areas, they have computer kiosks where you tap some buttons to order your transport. 

    Most reverted back to phone handset with no buttons. You just pick up and an operator picks up. It may be a taxi company or hotel who will send you a car

    I think the problem is that it isn’t consistent across airports and it never made it into the common routine of travelers. People rather get in lines for buses and taxis. It felt more natural to them. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    I bet it won't be long before a majority of these kiosks are malfunctioning and there are long lines of people trying to order rides

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Agreed. As Lilly stated "moving backwards". Maybe this would've been helpful or useful when Uber first came out just dont see the need for it now. I could've used a kiosk when Uber first came out as I didnt give up my slide phone with keyboard until 2012:) Although I didnt know Uber was a thing until 2013.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1026 Rider Guru
     5 years ago

    hm, I almost feel as though this new feature is "moving backwards" not forwards lol

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      I totally agree Lilly. At this point in time mostly everyone has the app downloaded. As long as your phone has enough battery to put destination in and click confirm your Uber will come even if phone dies right after you click confirm:) Maybe a few people with dead phones or maybe the elderly. All I see is long lines or no one using these Kiosks. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    40 Rider
     5 years ago

    Strange, so do you login to your account via the kiosk? Or just like insert your credit card?

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Not sure article didnt give those details. I assume via credit card or your uber rider account.