Ride Apprentice
Posts by dropkickoneills
What happened to UberSelect, Select, Premium, Premium SUV, LUX, LUX SUV?
Just saw this on Uber's help page. Apparently they got rid of these services at the end of July because … -
Uber driver becomes unwilling getaway driver, gets shot at!
A dangerous side effect of driving for Uber that you never think about - becoming a getaway driver without realizing … -
Free rides to musicians in Nashville!
Love this! "Lyft will offer musicians working in Nashville's honky tonk district free and discounted rides beginning Wednesday." https://www.tennessean.com/story/money/2018/04/23/nashville-lyft-free-rides-discounts-country-music/543807002/ -
What is HyreCar?
Is Uber contributing to our obesity problem?
Many of my friends will now take Ubers even for short distances becuase they are so cheap and readily available. …
Well, where are you located? Generally Uber drivers make more but perhaps not in NYC...
In the race to the end Uber and Lyft and making crappier and crappier products...
I always had similar experiences with cabs, they had no regard for their customers and got what was coming to them.
Once I was running late for my train (because my scheduled cab ride was late!!) and the driver had the audacity to still pick up another passenger who hailed him down off the street (supposedly he was a regular) and drop him off first! I was so pissed.
What, what happens when life hand you limes?!
depends on the tip 😏
Cool, wonder when they will venture to the US. That is where the real challenge lies.
I wonder how many more accidents are caused by drivers staring at their GPS.
What was the biggest tip you ever received? What tips better cab driving or bartending?
These actually look really neat. I was justs reading over "AMPs" on Lyfts site. I love how they will sync to the riders app, calling them by name, etc.
Nothing on background checks?!
Not going to help them, they really need to just focus on the US for now.
really, how is it all trumps fault? Please do explain
If only they could make the drivers happy little pixar people with cute caps. Instead we get grumpy men who throw our packages.
I just don't understand how a pile of dog poo goes un-noticed...I call fake news
I don't think this is immoral, there is a market need for drivers and anyone can fill it. It's not like you are lying about your income and taking govt housing or something.
wow he was student at Umass