I always knew those scooters were dangerous... 😂Â
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I always knew those scooters were dangerous... 😂Â
but why is this only happening in switzerland?!
I want to know this as well... Switzerland is crazy, they probably have large magnets in their secret mountain bunkers or something and that is messing with the scooters.
When life hands you limes...
What, what happens when life hand you limes?!
This is what happens when you let riders control their own form of transportation haha
and yet riders think they know everything about being a rideshare driver. "turn left here" "drive through that yellow"
I think this is a case of not coordinated enough.Â
I fell off one of those things over the summer and gashed my knee open. Everyone called me a klutz but I am now going to insist that the scooter had it out for me.