I know this doesn't really below here but OMG, look at these cute trucks!
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I know this doesn't really below here but OMG, look at these cute trucks!
It's the tiny tires that adds to the cuteness. How do these driver speed bumps?
though if it got stuck at one? People will just say, ooooooooh and drown in its cuteness.
If only they could make the drivers happy little pixar people with cute caps. Instead we get grumpy men who throw our packages.
These really do look like they belong in a pixar movie. Getting a delivery from one of these would make my day.
Yep. I would buy so much more stuff just to have t hese trucks come to my house.
Do these drive themselves? Is that why they are here? Reminds me of the Tesla's long distance freight trucks
they better.
and it reminds me of Eva from Wall-e.
I believe it's EVE, andit's an acronym. Extra-terrestial Vegetation Evaluator.
OMG! If only they could make pixar puppies!