Was in Nashville with my gal pals and we took an Uber home from the bar. The whole car ride smelled terrible and I couldn't figure out why..... until we got out of the car and i saw the pile of poo that was under the driver seat. EWW!!!!! We all screamed and got out of that car as soon as possible. HOW DISGUSTING! anyways, the uber driver charged us for cleaning up the poo! We got an $80 charge! That is just not fair.
There was a pile of dog poo in the back of my Uber this weekend. We didn't realize until we got out, and the driver charged us for it???
Posted 6 years, 9 months ago
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How on earth did the driver not notice before you got in the car??
I assme it was on someone's foot when they got in the car so maybe it wasn't that much. Maybe he had the windows open or something.
How do you know taht it wasn't your poop that fell off of your shoes?
This is only your side of the story. I mean, how would the driver not have noticed before you got one? It was right underneath his own seat.
I can actually see this being a scam by the driver. In fact, I know this happens because the clean-up fee pays very well.
I mean check out the fees Uber tacks on. This entire amount is passed to the driver.
No way. First of all the driver knows he's getting a 1 star rating for pulling that. It wouldn't be long before he's booted.
Reminds me there was a time when i took an uber once, and smelled something fierce. Just really sour. The whole ride we were trying to figure out what it was. Couldn't find anything.
We never figured it out, so we decided it had to be the driver who smelled. So foul. Did not give good rating.
Typically it's the customer who brings this sort of mess into an Uber car. So it was likely another passenger that the driver did not remember, so he decided to charge you guys to clean up the mess.
I just don't understand how a pile of dog poo goes un-noticed...I call fake news
this is a true story!!! disgusting... but true
LOL, hilarious. Hilariously horrible. Whoever put that poop there got away with one.
that is probably that most disgusting story i've ever heard. definitely report it to uber right away
What do you mean a "PILE"? like lots of small poops stacked up in a pile?
I know drivers want to earn as much money as possible, but I think after driving for a bunch of hours in a row they should take a break to clean out their car, organize things a bit, and avoid situations like this happening in the future.
This happened to me before, except it was throw up. I knew I smelled it but I didn't notice that it actually rubbed off on my leg since I sat right on it.. ew , ew ,ew!
It's well possible you tracked it in from the bar you just left.
AHH this is the stuff nightmares are made of
One time I got in an Uber and after like a minute of sitting down on the seat I noticed my butt was getting wet and to my horror I felt the seat and it was wet... with urine. Some drunk person peed in the Uber and then I sat in it. I still feel gross thinking about it.
Admit it. It was your poo.