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Video Interview from My Last Day Driving a Cab

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1448 Rider
 Posted 6 years, 7 months ago

Jack Silverstein interview

Chicago journalist Jack Silverstein shot this video interview on June 23rd, 2012, my last day driving a taxi.


    {{ ratingSum }}
    86 Rider
     6 years ago

    You've got some great one-liners in there. 

    "Big fat advertising for my painting". 

    "Thanks to as vast majority of you who didn't throw up in my cab."  LOL

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    What was the biggest tip you ever received? What tips better cab driving or bartending?

    Show Hide  1 Reply
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 1448 Rider
       6 years ago

      $60 to go the length of three houses. Drunk guy got money from gas station ATM, gave his address, then was so grateful he was home he told me to keep the whole $20. But it was three crisp new bills stuck together.

      But, as a rule, tips are much better at the bar. Tough comparison though since that's most of what I make; the hourly is negligible and I have to declare tips on taxes. Totally different kind of business.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    aww this is cute. Do you miss it at all now? What did you end up doing after driving?

    Show Hide  3 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 1448 Rider
       6 years ago

      Not for a minute. I do a lot of freelance art and writing and bartend part-time these days.

        {{ ratingSum }}
         6 years ago

        In the video you seemed to enjoy driving more than bartending? Has that changed?

          {{ ratingSum }}
          OP 1448 Rider
           6 years ago

          Definitely. Found a great place that changed my whole attitude toward the job.