Pavel Bernard (kias_revenge)
Ride Apprentice
Rides Uber and Lyft
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Posts by kias_revenge
Uber's self driving car division has a strange term for people and animals...
We're all squishy things! How about that?https://www.businessinsider.com/uber-autonomous-driving-unit-used-strange-term-for-people-and-animals-2018-11Employees in Uber's self-driving unit have referred to a human and … -
Are Uber and Lyft making traffic worse?
Some are saying yes: Studies are increasingly clear: Uber and Lyft congest cities I guess this shouldn't come as a …
That is nuts.
Billions of dollars won't make him a nice guy.
Just wait until amazon launches its drone delivery service someday. Nowhere will be safe.
Another thing.
I don't buy that. Uber has eliminated the traditional structure of a taxi company -- dispatchers, leased cars, etc. Not to mention regulation!! He seems to want to imply that Uber is not an innovation, and I can't agree with that.
I think the point is you can record, just can't publicize it somehow. Makes sense.
I can see both sides of the argument but as a driver I would never drop a passenger off in a dangerous place. This guy was put in a tough spot for sure but he should have driven on to a safer place.
This is where he dropped them off. There is nothing there, what were these kids supposed to do?
Headlight fluid needed replacing.
Ok, it was not me, but my girlfriend. She was smart enough to walk away at least. A keeper.
It's a good question. But I don't think they put that much calculation into the rates. I think it is more market driven and dependent on what the competition is doing. They are losing money after all.
Twitter is the way to go. Twitter is like a mainline directly to a company's PR dept.
Seriously. I don't want some scrubby high school kid being paid minimum wage picking my groceries for me... I am all for online shopping but not for my food thank you.
So much trash though. Between this and the dockless bike sharing. I see them EVERYWHERE. They are literally litter.
If more people ditched their cars, imagine how much better the parking situation would be in cities.
I remember when Turo was called RelayRides. I always thought it was a dumb idea. I still do. I guess they are still alive but I think there is a reason they haven't taken off. Who wants to let someone else drive your car unsupervised? A car is a personal space. It is like letting strangers come into your house and use your bathroom when you're not around. Which I'm surprised some silicon valley BS startup hasn't tried (or maybe they have).
Go Lyft!!!
I wonder if better algorithms could help with this problem. If people were able to plan ahead a little better, rideshare companies could plan such more efficient routes.
"I'll be back... in my self driving minivan"
This article is some juicy stuff. I read elsewhere that he was facing multiple possible 25 year sentences. According to this article he'll face no jail time now... insane. He must have a lot to say.
Both the timing and the circumstances are key. Freidman faced allegations that he failed to pay $5 million in taxes, including four counts of tax fraud and one of grand larceny. As part of the deal, he will serve no jail time. That suggests that he has been able to provide information of some value when it comes to Cohen, who is widely seen as a target for prosecutors to, in turn, flip against Trump.
“Do you understand the nature of the benefit your attorneys have accomplished on your behalf?” Judge Peter Lynch asked Freidman on Tuesday, according to the Times. That question that should frighten both Cohen and President Trump's legal team.
I thought the point of rideshares was not to tip. This is dumb.
This is actually a really good point. The whole frigging business has changed recently. And now they are going down. Maybe Kalanick was the best thing for the company after all.. Still a jerk though!