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Can I do Uber/Lyft in Pittsburgh with Upstate NY License Plates?

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1 Driver
 Posted 4 years, 12 months ago

Hello, I moved from Rochester, Upstate NY to Pittsburgh, PA the past summer and I want to start doing Uber/Lyft in Pittsburgh (never done it before). So how should I go about doing this? I have NY License Plates on my 2012 Honda Fit and would really like to get out on the road ASAP. Right Now: - I'm a 24 year old male on my parents NY insurance with no accidents and never any points on my license (I hear 25 is when individual insurance rates go down significantly) So what should I do about insurance/Plates? All I want to do is Uber/Lyft in Pittsburgh PA in the quickest and cheapest way possible, thanks in advanced!

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