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Fair Leasing Taking Money from Bank Account Without Authorization or contract

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13 Driver
 Posted 5 years, 12 months ago

Fair Leasing is working with Uber but they appear to be a scam operation.  Last year they took $853.14 from checking account.  I didn't even have a car lease or account with them!  I have been in contact with them for two weeks trying to resolve this issue.  The CA office says they don't see a record of the five withdraws from my checking account.  The AZ office which used to be Xchange leasing is now (I suppose hard to get a clear answer) Fair Leasing part of Fair Leasing in CA.  I did lease a car from Xchange and returned it 11/15/17 in perfect condition and received a return fee for it.  The company Transaction Description was "FAIR ACQUISITIONS".    Did any other drivers get ripped off like this?

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