I didn't even realize uber was leasing cars TBH. They're becoming more like a cab company every day.
Uber sells its car leasing business
Posted 6 years, 11 months ago
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Joey J (joeyj)
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I thought it was kind of weird when they got into it. I think selling it off is probably a good move, so they can stick to what they know best and not turn into a car dealership on the side.
I didn't even know they owned a car leasing business. I thought it was just some partnership offer.
Do they take the money out of your paycheck? How does that work.
I thought they were into taxi business. and delivering crappy sandwiches and cold pizzas.
no, they are in the not following rules and regulation business.
I thought this group was Uber's bright future. In preparation for when their fleet of autonomous vehicle comes to the party.
You are confused. Uber wouldn't need drivers once they have AVs, they wouldn't have to lease cars.
I get why you got confused though. Because they will be owning their own fleet.