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Ideas for traveling from PierreTrudeau (Montreal) Int'l Airport to Albany, NY on May 25?

{{ ratingSum }}
 Posted 5 years, 10 months ago

I'm traveling to see an elderly family member in Albany on May 25, flying from my home in Paris to Montreal on the first leg. I arrive in Mtl at 11.35 in the morning, and on past trips have found a Trailways or Greyhound bus leaving for Albany & points south within a few hours. But I see now that there's a bus in mid-morning, followed by one... at 17.15. I'd like to leave earlier. Do you have any ideas for doing that -- ride-sharing or something?

Thank you.


    {{ ratingSum }}
    524 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    Post on craigslist, see if anyone is going that way. Shot in the dark but it could work. Just be careful, don't get stuck with a nut for a 3 hour ride!

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 3
       5 years ago

      Thanks for your suggestion. Agree on the nut business.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    599 Rider
     5 years ago

    That's a long Uber ride... It's a 4 hour trip right? Any reason you are not looking into flying to Albany? 

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 3
       5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

      Long Uber ride, yes -- maybe down to 3.5 hours if the border goes smoothly. 

      The problem with flights is that they are few and far between (no direct flights Montreal>Albany), leave at the wrong time (except for United at 2.30 pm (via DC), but that's expensive at €569).
      Flying also represents at least 4-5 hours (plus wait time in Montreal) so for added cost is not worth it.
      The $56 one-way bus fare was the best option; my fault for not checking departure times before booking the (non-refundable) cheap translatlantic flight. If -- ô miracle -- a car with 2-3 passengers driving down to NYC were to materialize, that would be great. If not I'll cool my heels and take the 5.15 pm bus.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        599 Rider
         5 years ago

        Well, if you were to find an Uber willing to take you that far (I'm not sure it's even possible given the border crossing), it would run you in the neighborhood of $350 for Uber X, which is the cheapest option.

        I think the bus is the best option. Too bad about the timing though.

          {{ ratingSum }}
          OP 3
           5 years ago

          Thanks for your input. Perhaps a less formal ridesharing arrangement would work (I see offers for Montreal-NYC, for example, but no one traveling in the middle of a w-e like this). If nothing else, the bus it will be.