Does Uber or Lyft drive from Bellingham, WA airport into Vancouver, BC? If yes, what's the cost?
WA to BC Uber or Lyft an option?
Posted 5 years, 9 months ago
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Katherine Zaremba (Katyzaremba)

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Looking for a ride from colville Washington to cascade or Patterson boarder or spokane to either boarde
Is it possible to get an Uber from Spokane just to the border crossing into Canada (Osooyos) but not across the border?
Thank you
As far as I know, you're not going to be able to book a rideshare trip that crosses the US-Canada border. It's partially because the driver would need to have their passport or enhanced ID on them to cross the border, and also since the drivers return trip would be dead miles since there are no rideshare options out of Vancouver. (and more expensive because of current gas prices in Washington) I could drive you for cash, but to be honest, the commute (~$200) would cost you way more than the $20-$50 it would cost to take a greyhound bus or train. A taxi could take you to the Canadian border for $50, but I have no clue what a ride from the border station to Vancouver would cost,nor am I familiar with available transportation options for that route. (Taxi rate in Bellingham is $3 /mile)