After working at Tesla as their COO for over two years, he lasted 18 months at Lyft, it's overpriced executive musical chairs.
Pay me half, I'll fix Lyft!
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Blogger, Podcaster, Active Rideshare Driver/Coach
Active Uber/Lyft driver in Los Angeles, contributing writer for Rideguru and RSG (The Rideshare Guy), podcaster, rideshare driver coach, independent consultant to rideshare and tech companies.
After working at Tesla as their COO for over two years, he lasted 18 months at Lyft, it's overpriced executive musical chairs.
Pay me half, I'll fix Lyft!
Holy crap so his salary was like 20 million a year? Every paycheck must just be a million dollars.
What's a billion here and there? Who's counting?
What did he do other than make drivers lives miserable by cutting rates?