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Mystro (automatic dual apping) is back!

{{ ratingSum }}
7 Rider
 Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

Hi guys, I'm Doug and I lead the team at Mystro. Mystro automates dual-apping Uber and Lyft. Mystro blew up in 2019, but we ran into major problems with our Lyft automation that pretty much broke the app. After many months of hard work, we've finally gotten those bugs worked out, and I'm coming here now asking for your help!

We have an awesome engineering team here and we're excited to build Mystro into a tool to help you earn more money while driving safer. So please, share your thoughts on double apping, automation tools, or anything else!


    {{ ratingSum }}
    37 Driver
     4 years ago

    Why wait to sign up? Can’t they both be active. It doesn’t cost anything.

    Show Hide  2 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 7 Rider
       4 years ago

      Hmm I don't totally understand your comment. I definitely recommend signing up with both Uber and Lyft and taking them both active to maximize earnings. Of course, once you get a ride on one service, you definitely want to go offline on the other so you don't end up with two simultaneous rides.

      Mystro is free for the first two weeks, and I'd be happy to extend the free period for you.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        37 Driver
         4 years ago

        Sorry. That was meant to be a reply for Saurabh. He mentioned he’ll eventually sign up for Lyft if he got deactivated from Uber

    {{ ratingSum }}
    26 Driver
     4 years ago

    I’ve never used it, nor am I signed up for Lyft yet (only Uber). I can check it out. I assume I get to swap apps and such.
    I keep hearing about drivers being deactivated for no reasons. I figured I save signing up for Lyft until that happens and let Lyft be the backup. 

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 7 Rider
       4 years ago

      That makes sense! As long as you have a pretty steady stream of rides it's not terrible to just be driving one service. If you find yourself sitting around a lot waiting for another trip though, I definitely recommend signing up for both so that you can eliminate some of that dead time.