Apparently, according to the study, 74% of drivers earn less than their state's minimum wage. An Uber rep did respond saying the study was flawed. Thoughts?
New study suggests drivers are earning a median profit of only $3.37 an hour.
Posted 7 years ago
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Betty VanWhy (bettyvanwhy)

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I really hope the Autnomous Vehicles don't see this research. They may not wanna go work for them if they did.
Yes, it's flawed. I don't even need to read it to tell you that I make $3 an hour because I make a living fine as an Uber driver. LOL.
Honestly, I don't know how much so earn an hour but I don't think I'd be doing it for almost three years at $3 an hour.
Fake news. They publish crap like this because it catches people's attention
I was sorta thinking this when I saw this article but was curious what yall would say
The saga continues... after Uber hit back saying that the MIT study claiming drivers only make $3.37 an hour was incorrect, the lead researcher behind the draft paper has admitted that Uber’s criticism was actually pretty valid. LOL
That didn't take long!
Funny, I was actually just reading this article in which Dara (Uber CEO) was calling this study "incompetent"
Of course he was becuase he doesn't want the world to know that being an Uber driver is highway robbery. Did you know that some crazy high percentage of drivers turn over every year once thye learn there is no money to be made?
I'm a driver and while I don't make much, I make more than this. I say its flawed.