Yep, an improvement over the $1.46 billion in loses from the previous quarter!
Uber Lost $1.1 Billion Last Quarter. That's a Big Improvement
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Lilly Kenyon (lilly)

Ride Guru
RideGuru market data & operations expert
Lilly has been involved with the taxi and rideshare industry for 6 years. Over the years Lilly has led the many operational aspects of growing and building Ride.Guru. Through marketing efforts and rideshare data management, Lilly has developed relationships with various taxi and rideshare companies across the globe. Furthermore, Lilly leads the support team for both TaxiFareFinder and RideGuru and has years of experience answering the toughest rideshare and taxi questions!
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What?! Is this real? Uber is now tracking users locations even when they are not using the app? not cool.
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LOL, to live in a world where only losing 1.1 billion in a QUARTER is seen as a good thing (eye roll).
Uber and Trump would get along great...
I wish I had 1.1 billion to lose in 3 months.