What is Uber Boost?
The Guru Take
Must be referring to Uber's driver promotion, the "Earning Boost."
Uber Boost is an incentive program for Uber drivers. It isn't a new Uber service, if that is what you were wondering.
Boost is an incentive that multiplies driver's earnings for all trips within specified locations and specified times. These places and times are announced in advance, and it enables drivers to determine where and when they should be working. They are announced to drivers through communications they have selected (say text messages) or in the "Promotions" tab in the Driver's app.
Unlike surge pricing, which is engaged on a temporary basis, Boost lasts longer (usually) and stays enabled for the duration it was announced. If surge pricing is also available, the driver receives the higher multiplier of the two.
For more information https://www.uber.com/en-MY/drive/resources/earn-with-boosts/.

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