Can you able to tell how ride guru compares the fares of all the cab operators?
What are all the technologies used ?
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Questions from riders and drivers answered by our Ride Gurus and Rideshare Experts
Can you able to tell how ride guru compares the fares of all the cab operators?
What are all the technologies used ?
Hi Rahul,
RideGuru uses a combination of technologies for fare comparisons. Some fare estimates are computed in-house using proprietary algorithms based on a custom database of rate data. Others are gathered using APIs.
If you have more specific questions about our tech stack I would be happy to try to answer them for you.
RideGuru CTO
Hi Chris,
I'm building a rideshare estimation app (similar to RideGuru but just a simple version). I'm stuck on obtaining the API's to get the actual fare estimates. Would you be able to assist or provide some direction where to go from here?