Ride Master
453 RiderThis is a RideGuru system account that posts popular and commonly asked questions that were submitted on the "Ask a Guru" page. It is a collection of real rider and passenger questions were submitted anonymously.
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Posts by AnonymousRider
Does the Uber driver app show the destination of the trips before you accept?
Can the driver see the destination before accepting the ride? -
How do I determine UberEATS is available for my house/location?
What is Uber-jack? What does mean to be Uberjacked?
My Uber driver stopped to get gas. How should I rate the ride?
What should you never say to an Uber or Lyft (or any other rideshare) driver?
Can Uber pick up in towns of New Hampshire?
Why did Uber charge me a cancellation fee when the driver cancelled?
Am I responsible for paying the driver's parking fee when being picked up from the airport?
As an Uber driver, what are the red flags in passengers you look out for?
Need to seat 7 people
Can you schedule Uber ride in Atlanta Georgia?
Uber from Providence, RI to Newport, RI?
I tried to cancel a ride but there is no white info bar
Is there Uber or Lyft, etc, around Middletown NY?
Lyft locks in the fare in advance? I hear they guarantee the surge and PrimeTime for future scheduled rides?
Tufts University?
Is there any way to reduce or get rid of the $2,500 deductible charged by Hertz if I rent from them with the driver Express program from a lift. I have called several insurance companies with no luck. This is a huge hurdle for me if I'm going to drive for Lyft. Please let me know if there are any resources you know of that can help me
I am signed in already. So how can i call Uber in Toronto Ontario Canada?
My Uber app will not allow me to schedule AM or PM