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My Uber app will not allow me to schedule AM or PM

{{ ratingSum }}
453 Rider
 Posted 6 years, 6 months ago

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    1602 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    At least in our market that option no longer seems to be available with Uber.  It is available with Lyft, but please understand, all it really does is send out a request in advance of your pick up time to the nearest driver.  With Lyft, a driver can accept it well in advance, but if they're on a ride or not near the location, it will still default to the closest driver.  It also does not protect you against surge pricing fyi.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      2098 Rider
       6 years ago

      I thought Lyft did guarantee the price, as they try to consider the surge into it.  They only allow you to book it 7 days in advance too.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        1602 Rider Driver
         6 years ago

        That would be news to me if that is true.  I was taught that it is the "prevailing rate" at the time of the actual ride request.  Can someone clarify?  That would be a HUGE benefit to riders to compell them to use the app in advance for special events where surging is likely, but it would also be a deterrent to the drivers to accept those scheduled rides if they're aware of what the market conditions will most likely be at the time of the request, such as after ballgames and concerts etc...