tom (ha)
Ride Apprentice
23 RiderActivity
Posts by ha
London is only letting Uber operate for 2 more months
They wanted 5 years but only got 2 months, ouch. At least one country is taking the safety issues of … -
Uber is finally sharing its data with cities for planning purposes
"In January, NACTO quietly rolled out a data-sharing project called SharedStreets. And last week, it landed a very important private …
Not sure I follow what is so big about this? Lot's of people work night shifts.
Prayers for that little girl, I hope her last moments were not terrifying at the very least
In Dubai their public transport system in AMAZING! So easy, fast, clean, not crowded, etc. If other cities spent that kind of money on their transport systems I bet UberPool and LyftLine would die overnight.
Wow. What a B.
Thanks for posting this - I just read this story and feel so shaken! It is so important for EVERYONE to be aware of the car they are getting into!
I'd rather be called that than a Trump supporter.
I wish DiDi would come to the US![cry]()
Now Uber has a new Panic Button in the app - who needs a female driver anymore lol
I know, I was really surprised to read this article as well. Must have been some kind of secret deal. We will let you keep operating in our city but you give us your data...
LOL, this is so bad but also so good...
Couldn't anyone technically claim they were molested?
Dashboard cameras are key!!
I have tested this out and really like it. I mean, how can you beat a ride for practically pennies? I will gladly share my ride anyday for prices like these.
definitely not allowed but i love it!