Ride Apprentice
Posts by sCloudMeNot11
Uber/Lyft drivers, what are your thoughts on recently added driver (incentive) programs such as Uber’s “Pro” and Lyft’s “Hot Spots”?
Can I contact my Uber and Lyft driver after the ride is over?
Can I contact my driver after the trip is completed? I want to get in touch with him.
I am sorry but I feel like dropping the pin out of the surge zone is genius. I mean, I feel bad for the driver, and it isn't fair, but it sort of undermines the whole Uber app.
Though, can't Uber figure this out and fix the problem? Just base the surge active if the ride actually starts in a surge zone. Make it be a part of the pickup location not the request location
One thing the drivers are known to do is to arrive but not contact the customer. So they can sit there and make money.
I am not saying there's anything wrong with that because the rider gets a notice on their Uber app anyways, but it's one thing they can do in hopes of raising the fare by a bit.
(No, I hope they won't hide around the corner or in the bushes. That'd be wrong.)
wait, seriously? that's all they see? That's hilarious.
So most drivers call me when I order. Should I try to sound a certain way? Maybe like a girl? I'd imagine female riders are preferred. don't ask me why. I just think so.
so dumb. got good things going on in NFL, and they ruin it in 10 seconds. you are rich and can get laid anytime. and you pull this off.
I have a feeling this was created by someone who has never taken a taxi or a rideshare. This makes no sense at all. Tip for "construction?" What, if you drive by one?
"Tip at the end of the ride, and tip extra for traffic, construction, distance, inconveniences, and if the driver helps with luggage or packages."
Well, that's the problem, right? I wouldn't know if I am in middle of nowhere in terms of Uber availability until I open the Uber app and try. There are still decent sized cities where there are no Ubers, so it isn't about whether you are in a rural nowhere vs. a mid-size city with no Uber.
I would like Uber to warn me if it matched me up with someone from 60 miles away. I'd rather be told, "There are no drivers nearby" and I end up calling a local taxi, than being stuck with a bill.
I assume you are not a driver. There are so many of these requests that are commonsense to us drivers, but when we share these with normal non-driving friends, they are often surprised. We have so many stories.
For example, we drive drug dealers and prostitutes way more than a normal person realizes. Like a lot. Once I dropped a girl off at this house and then later picked her up in a few hours. Oh, we know who they are. These people love Ubers not only for the convenience but also because it leaves no tracks in the eyes of the law.
I honestly thought that this meant one UberX driver can drive another UberX's cars. Like one UberX driver who owns a car can now let others drive it to make money.
coz, then you don't need to own a car, and Uber would have craploads more drivers. genius, right.
That figure needs to be qualified. Does it count fast foods where the highest volume of orders occur?
As a rider, I am not sure about this. Isn't this sort of out of my control? I don't want some driver from 60 miles away excitedy picking me up and charging me $100 just to get to my house.
Marketing ploy.
BTW, Uber must have just seen this news on how people are calling Uber over 911 They saw it as an opportunity to take over ambulance service completely.
Wait, so no one is asking for UberPool at a rest area on I-90? Isn't that theroteically possible? Then what?
I guess Uber and Lyft returning to Austin was too much for them.
and watch, now there will be doves of people in tears who will claim they would have used Fasten if it meant sticking it to Uber and the big guys. Now they are too late.