Uber/Lyft drivers, what are your thoughts on recently added driver (incentive) programs such as Uber’s “Pro” and Lyft’s “Hot Spots”?
Posted 5 years, 3 months ago
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WTH UBER???? They are creating more unsafe conditions for drivers, treating us like employees without paying us or giving us benefits like an employee. They get more EVIL everyday.
NYPD Detective, Patrick Cherry, Yells and Berates at Uber Car Driver [YouTUbe-WSJ]
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What is Uber Pro?
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WTH UBER???? They are creating more unsafe conditions for drivers, treating us like employees without paying us or giving us benefits like an employee. They get more EVIL everyday.
NYPD Detective, Patrick Cherry, Yells and Berates at Uber Car Driver [YouTUbe-WSJ]
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What is Uber Pro?
Drivers, have you tried Cargo yet?
I Like Uber Pro. Why? It offers balance. You get more if you do not cherry pick often... but you can cherry pick if you need to a little bit. This means I have to try to take all rides if possible, but there will be a few times where it is really a bad choice to accept the ride... and we have the ability to see that in advance and decline as long as we stay within parameters. It also stops people from abusing things by constant cancelling... at least if they want to achieve platinum status. In order for Uber to work, people have to be happy to take it. If people cannot get rides and uber is unreliable, the word will spread and people will stop taking it. Just like waiting tables. if you want to work in a good establishment, you will have to take all tables, not just the high dollar ones. You will have to take some dead shifts to work the heavy ones. It is the nature of the thing. I really like the balance of it. I even wrote in as to how this would work a while ago and am happy to see it in practice. It also helps me enjoy the work better.
1 in 10 who likes UberPro. Your analogy of waiting tables and driving Uber, I lough. Keep drinking the Uber Koolaid. Enjoy the next cut, you have to be a newbie, you don't have a point of reference of how bad things are compared to even couple of years ago.
Wonder how much Uber paid them to post that comment:) I've seen on many FB groups and other forums how they think Uber has employess post positive comments on rideshare forums. Pretending to be that happy driver. I think Uber has invaded ride.guru. lol
A slap in the face!!! Just something else that is useless.