Wow, it's happening. You just walk up to and drive someone else's car. Sort of like ZipCar but instead of a company-owned fleet of cars, you just walk up to other people's.
15 Cities and at $5 an hour.
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Wow, it's happening. You just walk up to and drive someone else's car. Sort of like ZipCar but instead of a company-owned fleet of cars, you just walk up to other people's.
15 Cities and at $5 an hour.
Making extra money on a car you are not driving sounds great you find a giant turd on your steering wheel. I don't mean to sound potty mouths, but this is literally the problem. Someone will mess up your car or ding your car, and then the reality that solving these conflicts will sink in.
It's all fun and games until someone sh*ts on your car literally. LOL
I honestly thought that this meant one UberX driver can drive another UberX's cars. Like one UberX driver who owns a car can now let others drive it to make money.
coz, then you don't need to own a car, and Uber would have craploads more drivers. genius, right.
I can already see the stolen and abandoned vehicles in a pile in the back of a shady parking lot.
they had the same problem with shared bicycles where people just tossed them all over the place.
I do want to hear more about the conflict resolution ideas Uber will put into place. I sure they dont plan on pushing liability to the drivers claiming they are independent contractors.
Cleaning and insurance will be a huge hurdle.
This is the GetAround, right? they are just stamping it with uber's logo.
$5 an hour?! No frickin' way. That's cheaper than a Home Depot pickup truck.
Hold on a sec. If someone rents a car for the weekend, that's 2.5 days - and $300. Not shabby.
and no one will rent a car for one or two hours. Even a short grocery trip would take 2~3 hours. $10~15. Imagine making that for doing nothing. Your car can be making money while you are at work and while you are sleeping.
I am very curious as to where I am allowed to drop them off.
I am very curious how it'll work in the city vs the suburbs. In the city, are people picking them up from street parking? How would you return your car? In the suburbs, do some guys just walk up to my property and take my car? or in my garage?
Won't this cut into their own business model of the UberX business? I guess it goes against ZipCars, Hertz, and Enterprise, huh. I guess that is a different segment of the market.