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{{ ratingSum }}
20 Rider
 Posted 6 years, 7 months ago

I have a serious allergic reaction to cigarette/tobacco smoke. Even the residue on people's clothing, hair, and cars can cause severe reactions. Is there any way to insure that my Uber Ride is NONSMOKING and has never been?

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    524 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    Driver here. Uber cars are technically supposed to be smoke-free. But like brownbear said, even if that rule was adhered to, you don't know the car's history. One thing you could do is call the driver after you request the ride (you can call via the app), and ask them, explaining that any previous smokers in the car at all would give you a bad reaction. Most drivers would be honest about it since they don't want a bad rating. They would rather you cancel the ride than get a 1 star rating.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      524 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      Here is uber's policy. Note the paragraph below. FYI.

      Damaging drivers’ or other passengers’ property. For example, damaging the car, breaking or vandalizing a phone, intentionally spilling food or drink, smoking, or vomiting due to excessive alcohol consumption.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        OP 20 Rider
         6 years ago

        kudos to you both, joeyj and cheesehead...

        I am grateful

        and encouraged.. maybe even enough to give it a shot...

      {{ ratingSum }}
      422 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      One more thing. Make sure to contact the driver and cancel if necessary within 5 minutes of requesting the ride. Otherwise you get hit with a $5 cancellation fee.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    599 Rider
     6 years ago

    I don't think there is any way to ensure this, since even a brand new uber driver could have bought a used car that has had a smoker in it.

    However, if I were to guess I would say most cars these days have been kept smoke free. But if you have severe reactions I don't really know what to tell you. I don't think it can be guaranteed.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 20 Rider
       6 years ago

      thanks, brownbear, for your candid, honest and prompt response.innocent