Joey J (joeyj)
Ride Apprentice
Drives for Uber and Lyft in the Boston area
422 Rider DriverActivity
Posts by joeyj
Cab driver was shot, killed in Back Bay Tuesday after refusing to drive suspect to Mansfield, officials say
Terrifying incident in Boston yesterday. Cab driver shot and killed in broad daylight. And this was not in a shady … -
Taxify valuation passes $1B
New round of funding, lead by Daimler at $175M. Uber's gotta be quaking a little bit. They are spending their … -
Uber's Surge Pricing keeps drivers on the road
I happen to agree with this editorial. What's interesting is they are talking about a storm that happened in March. … -
Waymo van involved in crash
Pretty clear the van was not at fault if you watch the video. Lucky no one was seriously hurt, looked … -
The Fall of Travis Kalanick
Long read but fun and full of interesting tidbits. LOL @ he literally got down on his hands and knees … -
Seattle Uber drivers had a union??
Didn't realize that. Looksl like the Trump administration is trying to break it up now. https://theintercept.com/2018/03/26/uber-drivers-union-seattle/ -
Uber Ghost drivers -- literally!
Now this is a new one. Drivers in China changing their profile pictures to ghosts and zombies so that people … -
Uber sells its car leasing business
I didn't even realize uber was leasing cars TBH. They're becoming more like a cab company every day. https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2018/01/30/uber-sells-its-leasing-business-startup-fair/1077227001/ -
Can I smoke in an Uber?
Just like the title says. Can I smoke cigarettes? What about cigars. Or you know, other stuff. What about vaping? -
Boston Taxi King getting out of the game
Ed Tutunjian's selling his business and 362 taxi medallions. For a lifetime of being a jerk, his reward is $145M. …
Oh ok ya that doesn't look so good.. I think you need to have a talk with him. Sorry.
I live and drive in Boston. Trust me not every ride is full of flirty attractive women. I wish it was..it's not like that. I wouldn't worry so much. Plus if you're not even living there why worry so much about how many hours he's driving. He's doing his best for ya. Good luck to you.
what did their initial response say? this is some serious stuff. they need to be responding.
Honolulu, so you must be dealing with mostly tourists. The sand/mud thing must be really annoying. People on vacation are in this weird bubble where they feel like anything goes and they can ditch their usual consideration (if they have any to begin with).
Here in Boston I get annoyed in the winter when people don't bang their shoes together to get the slush off before getting in. It's such a simple thing but so many don't bother, and my floor is a salty dirty wreck by the end of the night!
Also weed is legal in MA now and many people seem to think that makes it ok to stink up my car with weed. Definitely can sympathize with you on that. I've had people light joints in my car on more than one occasion. Really not ok.
Damn that is creepy.
Happens all the time. Don't worry about it. As someone else said, if you feel weird about it, you can fix that with a nice tip.
It's gonna depend on the MPs I think. I have heard that taxis can get in if they show their license. Not sure about uber. Probably the same as taxis as long as they can show they are picking someone up.
LOL there is no way this is real. Funny though.
That's about right!
Boston here. Drivers can be really aggressive here. But here it feels like kind of a game. The road layout is so messed up that getting from A to B in on piece is like a challenge. If you think of it that way it is not so bad.
Nothing. I drive like a professional and get my passengers to their destination in a safe & timely manner. That should be expected of all drivers. And, nothing more should be expected.
If uber and lyft are gonna pay garbage then drivers are going to do what they gotta do. Seems obvious. If users want A/C they can choose uber black.
Right on.
It might feel good, but it's not. The market is craving profitability for these companies. It is a stark message. And I guarantee you, getting to profitability will not involve paying drivers more money...
"Terrify" Uber? I don't think so. They don't give a damn about it. What's going to happen? Are some drivers going to quit? Big deal. Uber has no shortage of people wanting to drive. And, this whole situation hurts Uber's competitors as much as it hurts them.
Uber will be terrified the day everyone jumps ship to Lyft, and not a day sooner. And I think we all know that's not going to happen.
😮 😮 😮
Ummmm yeah that might work... But you're just gonna rack up more violations on the new license is my prediction... Maybe think about driving better.
This makes me want to go postal. It's just so typical of these silicon valley companies. We are just faceless cogs to them.
Go Lyft. I hope they treat you better.
I am hearing about this sort of change at other airports too but I didn't know LAX was doing it. Boston Logan for instance is planning on doing the same.
I don't have any details for LAX specifically. My guess is it won't affect rideshare demand much. People still need rides, they just have to go to a different place now. It might make life a little easier on drivers. Who knows. Keep us posted if you hear anything else.
You dodged a bullet.