I own my new car, and I'm 22, and I really want to drive, but whenever I take a picture of my insurance, it tells me they can't read my name on it. My insurance is in my Mother's name, because I'm in her household. How do I get around this issue?
Can I drive my car for Uber if I own it, but my insurance is in someone else's name?
The Guru Take
Depends from state to state
Hi, Brett,
Uber currently does require that your name at least be attached to the insurance. See my response to another question below.
"Yes, the "attached" is a bit amiguious, but I used that term loosely because the law on how insurance works is different from state to state (in the USA). In most states, your friend's name only has to be listed on the vehicle's insurance policy. In some states, especially where the insurance follows the driver (rather than car), Uber seems to require your friend's name to be listed on the regitration as well. "
Can I drive someone else's car for Uber? (or Can my friend drive my car for ...
Would you be able to ask your mother to have you listed as a "authorized" or permitted driver? That is how it's done in many states like Massachusetts.
Good luck!

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