Can I reserve or schedule a car ride for future date?
The Guru Take
Yes. A few options.
Yes, the rideshare companies, currently Uber and Lyft, offer scheduled rides. At the current time, you can book up to 30 days in advance.
Here are instructions:
Few notes:
- It is only limited in certain cities. Make sure to check. Uber's Availability. Lyft's Availability.
- There are cancellation policies. Usually 30 minutes.
- The rides are actually not "guaranteed." (more info)
While Uber and Lyft's services are relatively new (started in 2016), Limo services have been doing this for a long time, and that is probably the biggest selling point of calling a limo. Reliable service and you can schedule a ride.
If this is the route you would like to take, you can look one up in your local area.

Hello Lewis:
In addition to what Ippei said, You can schedule an Uber ride using the Kommen app. Note- we are also available in cities where Uber doesn't currently allow for scheduling .
To download Kommen on Android go here -
For ios, go here -
Also here are some videos that show how kommen works5BpBpw
1 How to Book an Uber Now -
2 How to Schedule Uber for Later -
3 How to sign in to Kommen using Uber-
4 How to view your estimated Uber Ride cost -
5 How to Cancel your ride -
FYI - i am the founder of Kommen.
Malik Akande