I am having such a hard time finding any transportation for kids in Connecticut. I specifically need transportation to school for my kids. I have 50/50 custody with my ex and am not in their school district, but I'm not too far away. However my work schedule doesn't permit me to drop them at school (I work too early). HELP!!
Posted 5 years, 8 months ago
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Chris Gudaitis (hobbescw5)

Ride Apprentice from Bristol
Just a parent trying to get her kiddos to school
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That sounds like a difficult situation for you.
There have been a few attempts at a kid-friendly rideshare/taxi service. However, most of them have not fared well for one reason or another.
However, here are a few options to check out from the RideGuru rideshares listing. Most of them are carpool-oriented services. I don't know if any of them operate in CT, but you may want to keep tabs on them as they may grow quickly.
KidCar (this one operates in NYC, maybe parts of CT too?)
Carpool Kids
Best of luck to you.
You might also want to look into a carpool sharing program with other parents. If you can swing school drop-off once or twice a week you may be able to get the other days for free when the other parents drive. Not sure if this would work with your schedule but thought I would mention it!
Jumping off of this comment, this blog post has some helpful carpool apps that would let you meet other parents in your area.
I also recently heard of VanGo which is Connecticut based. I believe it primarily is catered towards teens and preteens but depending on your kids ages this may be helpful for you?
Best of luck!